Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Laser Vision Network Of America

Press Review of Peter Jovanovic

I could not not talk about it for over a year, Pierre Jovanovic animates the press review on economic radio here and now, and publishes his blog (perfect for checking sources "live". It's a different media reality that emerges on the state of the world and its financial health.

This issue arose from the last Book P. Jovanovic, "777, the fall of Vatican City and Wall Street's St. John" (link on the first 40 pages. pdf) where you can discover a new reading of "lifted the veil" (real meaning of Apocalyptos). Thus, the revelations of the Book "seen from the point of view of angels" in the words of P. Jovanovic, based on a series of synchronicity between the biblical text, some Marian apparitions and events for our time. Including date of September 29, 2008 day the Dow Jones fell 777 points, September 29 is the last day which is still officially devoted to angels in the Christian calendar. In the Gospel of John, the triptych 777 is used 2 times so concrete, cracking journalist for the fact that while "the signs of time, "the collapse of the global economy and the collapse of the Church of Rome. And, it is found that Mr. Jovanovic had a flair for ...

Falling Vatican
business around the black Pope Benedict XIV multiply ( hidden pedophilia, homosexuality orders , past the Hitler Youth , ambiguity denial of the affair of Archbishop Lefebvre and rallying to the new world order . ..). The gloria Olivae before last Pope according to Saint Malachy, identified by P. Jovanovic as that which dictates when Jesus speaks to John's letter to the angel of the church Laocidée: "But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth" (III-16) ... In view of these stories there is indeed enough to vomit!

The fall of Wall Street.
More complex, but no less verifiable, is plummeting (more or less) controlled by certain financial magnates. the Press gives us a weekly report surprisingly provided examples of fraud and other illegal insider trading, and a decryption learned how we hide the real extent of damage.

Listening to the latest broadcasts you may notice a watermark preparation of major conflicts, both within the international with a war against Iran less and less hypothetical, but also internal conflicts more than likely in the months futures, because the only industry that is doing well in the U.S. is indeed that of the civilian weapons! I copied an excerpt from the blog Jovanovic masterfully illustrates this statement:
of 29 to 30 March 2010 : No, it is not Anne-Marie Beretta, but revolvers and that Mr. Chazal explains: "They are truly visionaries at Beretta. If you find the" Science and the Future "published 15 years ago You'll see an article extolling the merits of the Beretta 92F is the comment of the director of communications at the time, in the article: "The designers had considered some analysts of the evolution of society, which provided that "social fracture" would worsen and thus provide social ghettos, private militias, fighting street where some would fight for the contents of a garbage can and others defend their villa. "Like what, the future is preparing for a long time." Indeed, people Beretta have access to secrets that try to predict what kind of weapons their countries will need in the near future. Press review by Pierre Jovanovic © 2008-2010

Once you've tasted the weekly meeting of the broadcast, you will not know you spent so much reading and grid offered a clear and blatant. This only confirms the discrepancy media in France vis-à-vis the "crisis", the very one who is supposed to be finished already, since every taxpayer the G20 to resolve the matter "two shots spoon jar"!

Out of curiosity I checked the latest news on google when I write these lines, here's there on these topics:
the Vatican

obscenities on the door of the house where Benedict XVI

"Communication Vatican is archaic"

on the Financial Crisis:

A Morgan Stanley funds could lose $ 5.4 billion in real estate

The actual performance of the Livret A will be negative until mid-2010

future war on Iran

German Daimler withdrew almost completely from Iran

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Engraving Leather Braclets

[see site] Journey to the knowledge

This is a book freshly posted, Travel to knowledge, is a introduction to metaphysics. It is for all those who pose existential questions, the student, for believers, nonbelievers, scientists and those seeking a change of scenery in a country whose values are the opposite of materialism and the economy that results. They will discover in this book many experiences through the razzmatazz of an Asia millennium. The life of man and the universe will be described with a metaphysical point of view, that is to say in relation to the universal science.

good read and ... bon voyage!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gallbladder Polys 6mm

[see site] Xibéria Cognition

You throw your TV for a long time? (At least I hope!) But you still want to find information (quality), so do not wait, and go for a ride on xibéria Cognition, a site teeming with more informative videos all together than the others ...

You will surely find your happiness in this video library, streaming or downloading the choice ...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Women Doctor For Vergina

Understanding the invisible reality - Chapter II

Read the first chapter


What really motivates my actions? Why do I have this urge to share with you these things one? Call it research, philosophy, and others will likely consider this as, excuse the term of "intellectual masturbation" ... does not matter really because I think the easiest way to represent This is ultimately the quest for meaning profound nature of our existence . This quest is indeed personal, but it is also deeply universal, as long as there is in any manner whatsoever, came to ask these questions.

Although such philosophical issues about the meaning of our life in the concrete part, by our everyday experience. We could say that the meaning of our life is given him, and this is ultimately true when the question of motivation for our actions, of what motivates our choices. Hence the need to know what motivates our choices. My Articles referring to the new world order as questions about the eschatological mystery, 2012, that have this motivation: understand the world around us . My passion for science, whatever, are similar in nature. And quality, delicate appearance of reality itself is a driving force in these matters.

Moreover, the contemplation of the world would only patchy - see sterile - without a careful study of the observer himself. know the motivation of our choice is ultimately , grasp our inner workings. The reason of my he desires is not the result of events in my life? If the answer is yes, what is the real part, and not unalterable fact of my being? Let

few moments aside these thoughts and let us return to the view that we can ask about "the world around us."

Thus, the world around me (and maybe yours too), do not ask such questions daily. "Boring" is the generic term that references these reflections, moreover, a number of you may no not passed the first three paragraphs. Le Monde, in its frenzied excitement, does not leave, neither time nor space, al'auto-compliance. Yet it would be really necessary to see things as they are, and so perhaps we would not occasion let us caught up in the collective irresponsibility. Our own psyche, as mirrored in this state of affairs, knows how to get carried away by the endless stream of our thoughts and we let ourselves be, willy-nilly, by moods that result.

In contrast to the dominant paradigm of materialism, spirituality - what is the order of mind - leads us to the question consciousness.

"To be conscious is to feel that one feels" dixit Goblot

Our consciousness is related to our sense of being, but our being is not just that. Indeed, the way we look at ourselves is only a fragment - full of illusions - of our being. To "survive" a consciousness repressed desire, as a defense mechanism against oneself. This is where the subconscious. We are filled with sum of unconscious phenomena that affect very real in our daily actions. Make "surfacing" of consciousness these phenomena is the process of psychoanalysis or hypnosis.


The unconscious prevents us from being truly, fully conscious. Let us briefly to the amazing human faculty of denial. It is a "complex mechanism of defense to live with guilt, anxiety and other disturbing emotions triggered by reality." Denial can be deliberate and intentional, or completely unconscious. According to Stanley Cohen, who discusses the subject of denial in "States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering" (State of Denial: Knowing what are the atrocities and suffering), there are 3 type of denial. First there is the literal denial, the claim that something does not happen or does not exist. The second kind of denial is "interpretive." In this kind of denial, the facts that have occurred are not denied, they are only "interpreted". The third kind of denial is "involvement", there is no attempt to deny the facts or their conventional interpretation: what is actually denied what are the psychological implications, political and legal entities must follow the full recognition. I invite you to look in that perspective the denial of our society towards conspiracy theories. I will not elaborate more on the issues because that is deserving of an article.

In the approach we have followed so far, from conscious to unconscious, we can now return to this question "what is the real part, and not unalterable fact of my being? "A state of being that we could then termed "overconscience.

Before extending the study to this "state of overconscience, note that the concepts of archetype, of morphic fields and egregore previously studied are upstream of this principle. They underlie our reality to the image of the fundamental forces prevailing in the material. The influence of these psychological realities - these invisible worlds - on our own behavior are real, provided that one pays enough attention.

They are called "Flyers" (Castanneda), "larvae" (Bardon) when they have an identification attribute independently, "feeding" literally by our emotions. Notice how your mood will be inefficient when angry or depressed (have a lot of calories burned in depression), conversely, moods "positive" as the joy provides a cocktail of chemical reaction in the brain that generates a well- psychic being - a "good mood" - and a physically fit. Recall in this respect it is recognized that the humanitarian system is greatly influenced by the psychic state of a person.

We can see the mutual influence exercised by our mind on these "invisible psychic forces" and vice versa .

From "overconscience" the atom

What overconscience therefore this situation? To answer this question back on the definition of consciousness: "state in which the subject knows itself as such and distinguished from the subject he knows. "What makes tell Sartre that "All consciousness is consciousness of something."

overconscience The state would, according to this premise: a state in which the subject knows everything (is the energy potential, all are possible in it) but it does not distinguish the object ( at all) he knows. It's "Being" original immutable, formless, then, that "East" in the Absolute.

noted in an apartment here, we will not intentionally use the word "God" to avoid anthropomorphism, conceptual or all deformations duent religions.

It is difficult not to see this state superconscious as anything other than pure mental abstraction. Experience this pristine state, is essentially impossible because, being in this state of "overconscience" we "basing" literally in its essence, making it impossible to "the fact of experiencing the reality of the thing by himself."

A hypothesis: the state called mystical, or "the experimenter feels connected to all things as a part of himself." This state of grace or bliss that speaks the Christian mystics, or "Clear Light of Bliss" Buddhist "enlightenment" in the sense of enlightenment, is a manifestation - our reality - this state of overconscience.

Levels of Consciousness and densities

Before going further into the exploration of consciousness, we must understand the concept of density, these being "levels of conscience. " So here are trying to see what exactly are these "densities".

In simple terms, the mineral kingdom, the reign plant and animal (DNA), and the human kingdom are respectively 1st, 2nd and 3rd density.

Note here, the overlap of our human condition on the 3 kingdoms. We live by and through the first and second density: living on earth, mineral kingdom - the first of density - nourishing the plant and the animal - 2nd - density, sharing its basic structure: DNA with the human kingdom - 3rd density - where the level of consciousness reached its climax when the level of physicality.

Another way of understanding this is to see the "quality" of each of these kingdoms.

The first density is defined then as the "world of the atom," the source of any "physicality" is the birth of space and time. It is a form of consciousness or more precisely a "consciousness of form" (the thought form the most basic).

The second density is defined here as the conscience that feels, remember " man who talks to plants, and benefits of "great music" on them. The plant kingdom feels and feels literally like the animal kingdom, those who have with them a cat or a dog know what I mean. The emotion is born of the consciousness of form is looking at itself. It is a consciousness that extends its own fields of perception "outside of herself." It is "emotional awareness .

The 3rd density could qualify as being aware of consciousness itself. We capture the best sentence Goblet of: "To be conscious is to feel that one feels, in other words it is the consciousness of the form by which emotion she knows exists (" I think therefore I am "of Descartes). Here we extend the fields of perception, we can see our own reflection, it is the birth of the possibility the observer to observe himself. It is "the mental consciousness."

We see here a fundamental notion. It is here that we could integrate the idea of free will, the notion of fundamental initial choice and the "quality" that we attribute to our own conscience. It is awareness of what motivates our choices we discussed above. This choice arises both polarities of our reality. The choice of consciousness or unconsciousness in all.

Only from this "conscience-mirror" that we experience the reality of this duality. She actually governs all densities or levels of consciousness ... it is what we could called "the energy of motion." The yin-yang is the most representative picture of the interdependence and interaction of duality creating movement.

duality initial force of entropy and creative force.

This duality arises from initial "state of overconscience" passing through "the consciousness of form."

is the "original sin" spoken traditions. "Being 'original immutable, formless, then, that" East "in the Absolute, separating from its original state, he" contemplate ", and becomes aware of himself. (The subject is distinguished from the object).

Thus "consciousness pure "creative" non-consciousness "(characterized by the world of the atom). Consciousness "struggle" while animated and non-stop itself in its two poles: to separate or recover its original nature, and at all levels of consciousness or densities.

By analogy with the physical world, the fall in the world of form is the birth of the gravitational force. The duality between on the one hand, the entropic energy for the fall or "inconscientisation" and secondly the creative energy of "awareness" is the representation of the electro-magnetic force (opposites attract).

Physical death and the "4th density"

The subject of near death experiences (or near death experiences) has already been addressed, we will extend not on question. Let us be content simply to emphasize the universality of this experience, assuming a physical afterlife (if not its strongest evidence of "credible." See in this connection the work of Raymond Moody). And the recurrence of a concept of substantial reality, understand here entering another "world" with its own frames of reference.

He was then called "astral" or "ether." We will also use the term "4th density" to follow our reasoning on the levels of consciousness.

The fourth density

remember that, like the first 3 densities entangled in one another, the fourth density is fundamentally linked to its "sub-realities."

Considering the two principles Entropy / Create the two energies conflicting and complementary, which may be the nature of the beings who inhabit it?

We've already talked about the Flyers or larvae, the feeding be inorganic psychic emotions of humans, it strongly resembles a "control system" generated by the principle of entropy. This "control system" trying to keep the human unconscious.

But where is then the principle of creation? The only concept that comes to mind is that the Guardian Angels. Traditions, they are deeply related to Men, their devotion and love is entirely dedicated to Men. They are our connection to the archetypal service creation, service to our re-awareness.

biensur We think the movie "Matrix" or allegories with the description of those realities are many.

What should we understand this? We may at any time serve a two principles, the law of consciousness or its exact opposite. Only the mental effort and understanding of its principles can help us out of our negative patterns. In this, the practice of meditation can be a great help, for, even if that slowed the flow of our thoughts.

What would humans do not undergo the said control system. ?

A human not undergoing the said control system, generate by itself and in itself the principle of creation, that is, the energy re-awareness, he then connects with its archetypal reality that's why he said ascenscionne.

We think of Siddhartha Gautama, the first "Buddha" or Jesus, or some Saints. He has the distinction of having great influence their similar spiritual. Their life is a creation, they are free from mental enslavement. We usually Ascended Master.

The question of Channeling

However, the term "Ascended Master is now so overused that it is synonymous with all sorts of" avatars "that came out of Channeling. Transcommunication this method was formerly used in order to communicate with the dead. With varying degrees of success and that, for the same reason we now describe.

The New Age has valued this practice and today there are many who are intimately persuaded to communicate with "a disembodied entity of high spiritual level," as an "Ascended Master". (The business of New Age with its many publications and conferences is proof)

Let us be clear, it is not actually possible, even probable, that such communications may actually exist. But we suggest first, that the "quality" of the message thus obtained does not depend exclusively on the messenger, far from it, but it is mostly about the deformation of the transcript of the scribe (the channel). On the other hand, the messenger may itself be only a control system disguised as a "super-entity." Expectations of the scribe when the meeting was "super-normal" providing a powerful energy. If the intent of the channel is laudable, it is no less subject to manipulation.

we see here is how subtly skewed notion of master and apprentice, and merging it into the master (as in Buddhism in particular). The kind of confusion as it goes unnoticed, yet it has no relation with its classic design. The

initial duality in fourth density.

initial duality, in this reality 4th density, then take the terminology of "low-Astral" or "high-astral", note the correspondence with the concepts of hell and paradise. The lower astral entities could match the flyers Castanneda, the control system mentioned above. The chart above does not have to be feeding on the energy of "entities below, since they generate their own energy. In the energy of creation / re-awareness is free others from the yoke of unconsciousness which then feeds its energy. is the gift of self that self-sustaining.

Do we have conceptual models which could suggest the nature of this 4th density?

Again NDEs tell us the number of "journey" takes place in tangible realities that non-physical in the sense that we commonly hear.

Most religions include some idea of the afterlife in one form or another. The Thodol Bardot, Tibetan Book of the Dead described with great precision the steps that follow the "great start". The book by Bernard Werber "Thanatonautes the" city of many traditions of this reality. It speaks of a world where time and space have no meaning we usually give him. In occultism, it is even said that any event in our world (3rd density) is preceded by its setting in the "astral".

The astral is that, in many respects similar "to the dream world." I think we can say with little confidence that the world of our dreams is a form of astral world. That at least one fairly accessible to imagine the thing. Dreams are bubbles unconscious projection of our message "back to the surface." The chart is then produced by the collective thought-forms. Therefore said that in this reality, an object, take a picture paint a house, will exist as long as we think of his existence in this place, it will persist in the astral, even if we ' remove from its place. The astral is therefore that of thought-form. But it is not entirely "paperless."

Are there any physical theories admit a underlying reality to ours, "containing" our four-dimensional reality, and having some physical reality?

It is interesting to note that a 5-dimensional spaces have been conceptualized and we will see that these implications are at least interesting, although theoretical, it is possible that we are not so far from the truth.

The fifth dimension of Kaluza

Historically, the first attempt at defining the fifth dimension has Kaluza in 1921. This definition was further discussed by Einstein in 1938 in collaboration with P. Bergmann in an article titled "Generalization of Kaluza was Theroy of Electricity's" (Generalization of Kaluza's Theory on Electricity) [1] :

"so far, two relatively simple and natural attempts were made to conne ct gravitation and electricity by means of a unitary field theory: one by Weyl, the other by Kaluza. In addition, it has been tried several times to formally represent Kaluza's theory in order to avoid the introduction of a fifth dimension of the physical continuum. The theory presented here differs from Kaluza in one essential point: we ascribe physical reality to the fifth dimension , whereas in Kaluza's theory this fifth dimension was introduced only in order to obtain new components of the metric that represents the content of electromagnetic fields. (...) If

Kaluza's attempt is a real step forward, then it is thanks to the introduction of the five-dimensional space. Many attempts were made to retain the formal results obtained by Kaluza without sacrificing the character of four-dimensional physical space. This clearly shows how strongly our physical intuition resists the introduction of a fifth dimension. But if we consider and compare all these attempts, we must conclude that all these efforts have not improved the situation. It seems impossible to formulate the idea of a Kaluza simple way, without introducing the fifth dimension.

So we must take seriously the fifth dimension, although ordinary experience does not encourage it. If so the structure of space seems to force us to accept the theory of a five-dimensional space , we must ask whether it makes sense to assume the rigorous reducibility to four dimensional space. We believe that the answer should be "no" provided that it is possible to understand otherwise the quasi-four-dimensional physical space by taking the continuum basis five-dimensional and simplifying assumptions and basic geometric. [...] The most important of our theory is the replacement of a rigorous cylindricity by the assumption that space is closed (or periodic) . [...] Kaluza's theory on the five dimensions of physical space provides a unitary representation of gravitation and electromagnetism. [...] There is much more satisfactory to introduce the fifth dimension not only formally but also giving it some physical meaning. "

A. Einstein , P. Bergmann,

Annals of Mathematics Vol 38, No. 3, July 1938

Understanding this theory can lead us to accept the unexplained phenomena such as telepathy or precognition in a different light. The idea here is that in this new dimension, the four-dimensional space is "entangled" in a frame of reference, cyclical in nature ("the space is closed (or periodic)"). phenomena known as "psi" is therefore conducted in these areas non-linear time.

space in a given time, for a certain period includes a wealth of information, many events took place there. In this new dimension, the amount of information in this "place-time" is instantaneous. For example it's like you get to take a photograph of a scene for an entire year.

I think we can make a connection with the moments of synchronicity, those moments where the meaning of an event is not linked by a causal link. It seems to me that there is a form of direct experimentation of the 4th density. Thus, this space-time is not subject to link causality is experienced in our reality because his frames of reference are not linear.

We have seen in a previous article, "The effect Kirlian and light radiation of DNA , the possible detection of the physical body from these realities. Process means for sensing electromagnetic radiation of the human body. The etheric body and the body of light there is also a more "rational". This may be a way of understanding the "physical meaning" mentioned Einstein.

linear time and cyclical time

Remember now the words of CG Jung's collective unconscious:

I call group because, unlike the personal unconscious, it is not the content is more or less unique individual, non-breeding, but of content that are universal, and which appear regularly "

As the words of R. Sheldrake's morphic fields on (or morphogenic) :

Natural systems such as colonies of termites, pigeons, orchids, insulin molecules inherit a collective memory containing all the phenomena on their species, as distant as they are in the space and time .

reappear here we see the idea of an underlying reality to our, or the dimensions of space-time no longer the same frames of references. The cyclical nature of these phenomena is highly probable.

Remember the words of Homer Trimegiste on his Table of Emerald: "What is below is like what is above and what is above is like what is down to the miracles of one thing. . In this image, the cyclic phenomena of nature, the seasons of the moon, via comets are similar to the underlying nature of our reality: its manifestations are cyclical in nature.

Do we have "proof" of this cyclical reality underlying our linear reality? The law of correspondence in the "What is above is like what is below" at'elle other things to teach us? What is the relationship with the ancient esoteric traditions? The prophecies are they from a meeting with the 4th density?

We try to answer these questions in response to our inquiry into the invisible reality ...

(Article also published on Attack-thought-single

  • [1] Those who object that does not introduce Einsteinian physics, itself, the notion of speed in the time nor the notion of displacement in time (this has involved a 5-dimensional space). We spoke mainly of traveling in space. In Einstein's theory, temporal aspects arising from movements in space. We can therefore specify a theory (accepted by physicists), which proposes a unification of the forces of nature. This is the five-dimensional theory of Jordan-Thiry. The Jordan-Thiry theory admits that the Lagrange equation can be written with respect to a variable u which plays over the space-time the same role that time plays relationship to space, we have here a definition of the fifth dimension identical to that introduced earlier. The variable u plays the role of the fifth dimension. One can characterize this dimension of hyper-time, super-time, or another name recalling the logic of building that size.
    What is the unit of this size? This is still a big mystery and I think he, a great challenge for physics. It could be that this unit makes intervene consciousness.


Ceramic Plates Wholesale

Understanding the invisible reality - Chapter I


that is the tradition to which we may be facing the reality of "invisible worlds" alongside our reality "ordinary" is always present. These worlds and the entities that inhabit have become, at best, mere myths. Reality "rational", described by physical science has gradually shifted its gaze from what it was unable to treat as "real", a growing number of areas were classified as "unexplained" . The description of these phenomena is now synonymous with being garage for any serious attempt to explain their true nature.

Understanding the invisible reality

However, new mathematical tools such as quantum physics has projected a different view of the profound nature of this reality "ordinary." But a gulf remains between the extension of knowledge, access and ownership by "outsiders."

However understandable that these new data is, at best, misunderstood. Classical physics that describes our reality every day, it seems obvious to identify with her, and only to her. We do not yet completely refractory to the acceptance of invisible realities, I want evidence to UV radiation and radio airwaves, the electromagnetic radiation and weightlessness are ultimately no less "forces" invisible property that we accept as real.

Finally, we accept as real only what is within our frame of reference, but to accept, in fact, reality is not equal to grasp its true nature. That are actually atoms? radio waves? the "core strengths"? they are basically so far away invisible realities say?

Entity "Égrégore", "thought form", "astral", "cyclical time" these words are used to describe the "invisible reality." Often misunderstood, yet these concepts are described by several esoteric traditions. Similarly, these concepts may seem obscure to most rational minds. It follows an a priori rejection these realities.

These realities can not they be understood by "insiders" and other occultists? Or is there some other way of apprehending these phenomena, stripping them of their mysticism?

I therefore propose a research path that I hope will enlighten you on these issues ...

archetypes and collective unconscious, a contemporary approach

cgjung4 CG Jung spoke of archetypes and as thought-forms, "the archetypes are autonomous and can resonate with the human conscience. "

The archetype is to Jungian psychology a psychological process of human cultures founder because it contains the basic models and behavioral representations of human experience from all eras of history, a "primordial image" that contains a universal theme, common to all human cultures, but appeared in various symbolic forms, and structuring the psyche unconscious in connection with another Jungian concept, that of collective unconscious.

In Jung, the collective unconscious a vital function for humans, in addition to being an objective reality and not the sum of libidinal impulses. In other words, according to Jung, the collective unconscious is alive and neutral, despite an enormous psychic energy against which the ego can do nothing.

"I call collective because, unlike the personal unconscious, it is not the content is more or less unique individual, non-breeding, but of content that are universal, and which appear regularly "


Archetypes are fundamentally characterized by the fact that they unite a symbol with an emotion so doing, they are " potential energy psychic constituent of all human activity and directing libido.

autonomy archetypes:

" Archetypes are therefore endowed with own initiative and a specific energy . They may also, at the time provided in the symbolic form of their own, an interpretation full of meaning, and intervene in a given situation with their own impulses and their own thoughts.

In this regard, they function as complexes. They come and go as they please, and often they are opposed to our conscious intentions or modify them in the most embarrassing.

can collect the specific energy archetypes when there is an opportunity to appreciate the fascination they exert. They seem to cast a spell. "

CG Jung," The Man and His Symbols "
Robert Laffont, 1964 p 78/79.

Note: The notion of collective consciousness refers to shared beliefs and behaviors in a community and operating as a separate force and usually dominant over the individual conscience. According to this theory, a company , one nation, one group would an entity acting as an individual's overall .

Égrégore and thought-forms

The analogy with the concept of egregore is quite striking: The

egregore is in the esoteric, a concept referring to a "group spirit" an autonomous psychic entity or a force produced and influenced by the desires and emotions of many individuals united in a common goal. This living force would function as an autonomous entity .

In sum, the Égrégore generated by the sum of human cultures is collective unconscious the contents of the collective unconscious are the archetypes : mental processes containing basic patterns of behavior in relation emotion.

Let us return to Shapes Thoughts when we normally think we disclaim energy, and it scatters in space as well as an intention but also of radiation Electromagnetic , as demonstrated by F. Cazzamalli, "... mental activities are the basis of electromagnetic emissions irretrievable distance. .
If we believe in power and concentration in a defined purpose, then we project an energy taking form in the astral (= say for now that this is the dimension in which these forms evolving thoughts) . As "... These emissions (electromagnetic ) are particularly intense during emotional tensions important and can not be cons captured by the camera when the subject is calm." (F. Cazzamalli)
It is therefore a powerful thought and provided with a direction; living thinking and acting according to the intentions of the person or persons who issued .
It will not exist long if it is abandoned, but maintained and regularly reinforced, it becomes a thought form with real empowerment over men or animals .

morphic field

rupertsheldrake The concept of morphic fields R. Sheldrake suggests that the nature of things, each type of natural system has its own type of field. These are regions of influence extending into non-physical space and extending in time. memory in morphic fields is cumulative, and that is why all sorts of phenomena are becoming more normal repetition.

"natural systems such as colonies of termites, pigeons, orchids, insulin molecules inherit a collective memory containing all the phenomena on their case, they are too remote in space and in time. "

R. In Sheldrake

this growing complexity, the morphogenetic fields contain an inherent memory acquired through a process of morphic resonance, component the collective memory of each species (idea put forward by Carl Gustav Jung).

can compare the morphogenetic field a part in a gigantic tank memory species, its function is passive, the other to an inducer organization , c ' its function is active.

Thus, we have several lines of inquiry on the existence of a potential energy gifted psychic own initiative. With its own impulses and his own thoughts. Regions of influence extending into non-physical space and extending in time.

What models match these descriptions?

Carlos Castaneda claimed that humans are the hostages of a group cosmic entities who are dedicated to predation and that sorcerers called "Flyers".

castaneda "In addition to men and other beings who inhabit this earth, there in the universe a vast range of entities inorganic. They are present among us, and at times are visible. We call them ghosts or apparitions. They do not "eat" not literally, what they do is transfer vibration. Consciousness is energy and they can align with us. Because by nature they are perpetually hungry and that we, by contrast, exude light, the result of this alignment can be described as a predatory energy. In return for our energy, "Flyers" gave us our minds, our ego and our attachments . The "Flyers" we control through our traditions and our customs . They are the masters of religion, the creators of history. We listen to their voices on the radio and we read their ideas in newspapers. They run all of our media and our belief systems . "Carlos Castaneda

Note: Although C. Castaneda, we speak Feature "[...] like huge black silhouettes of flying, arriving a day of the depth of the Cosmos", a new analogy to Jungian archetypes is possible here, these entities are presented cosmic as containing basic models of behavior and structure the unconscious psyche ("gave us our minds, our ego and our attachments (...) They run all of our media and our belief systems.")

According to Franz Bardon (Famous for his explanations of occultism and its publications):

Bardon A 'Larva' may be material or mental astral matter; is usually a creature as it astral was created by the constant repetition of a thought intense, fueled by a particular passion, bad habit or other defects. A person usually creates these things recklessly from the astral or mental substance, then extracted his own mental body or astral body.

A larva is, in reality, half creature who lives on the plans as the lowest in the Mental Plane and the Astral Plane. It feeds on substances or astral-mental map by which they live-that emits the particular passion or failure that created it. It has a shape or shell that has a match with the "default creator" and has a strong instinct self preservation. On the Path of Hermeticism, a larva, highly developed, is generally a very difficult obstacle to overcome. An individual creates larvae when he failed to control his faults and he is then surrounded by all the swarm they form. The larvae constantly lurking in the environment of that person, favorable opportunities to awaken the passion result of which they feed at his expense.


What is the nature of the deep underlying reality to these phenomena? Is that the astral ? this dimension called "ethereal"? Can we speak of a reality in our dimensional terms? Is there any rational models of these theories? What is the nature of spatial-temporal? What does "cyclical time"?

article also appeared on Time Attack Thought-Unique

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mennen Colony For Babies

[SHIFT] zipper of SpreadTheTruth. en no more! (nothing remains but the Google archive)

This site was more popular on the web "underground", he translated information from numbers of sites in England. Even if he was beckoned to her side paranoid, spreading as necessary, without major foundations rumors ... Although this was his biggest flaw, this site was dedicated to the pursuit of truth, at this point, everyone to play his insights on each of the information it was submitted.

A sudden closure also would be the result of pressure from influential figures, at least that is what is peddled about the closure, this information had been leaked on youtube account of the site, has closed that day.

EDIT: Note of origin:
"Hello all! The site is closed due to heavy pressure from PEOPLE VERY GOOD SEATS! Most unfortunately, both unemployed we are unable to resist the power of these people, who can destroy you in a flash!
We will quote any names to avoid problems! "

Another point is also raised by the regulars of the site, this strange way of ownership of the text after, no right to copy the text, strange for a site that seeks to "spread the truth."

However, we can understand this idea: the attempt is to limit the "shifting" progressive information by copy-pasted from blog to blog (omission, rewriting or shortened) ...

Internet French is he trying to take a new course in censorship? We already know the facility has dailymotion delete user accounts too subversive. This sudden disappearance of an alternative news site is not to be taken lightly, and these are things we need to properly monitor because there is the danger that threatens all of us, the truth must be his way, get your information from the Internet, talk about you ...

conference Benjamin Bayart: Who wants to control Internet?? 1 / 4