Friday, March 4, 2011

Mini Vans With Spoiler Kits

Dominique Bakk

Herpes Vs Pimple On Lip

Estimated timing of the 02nd philatelic half of 2011 in France

I had already introduced the Provisional schedule of philatelic 1st half of France here. Now I present the 2nd semester:

-Cover Page: An overview of the stamps from this semester:

-Page 01: The square ink is presented with beautiful illustrations as well as stalls selling all sorts of philatelic products can dream philatelists:

-Page 02: emissions of July are presented. I note another program after that of January is devoted to rail vehicles. It also has two programs dedicated to the sport in which a miniature sheet:

-Page 03: The famous
month devoted to the holidays was not present for the first zero emissions. The French post the opportunity to promote this passion as she had done in similar book last year and this by extolling the merits of a website dedicated to the initiation of children and the various guides and brochures made available to teachers for next school year to expand the public and philatelic gains in passing

- Page 04: Emissions of September are presented. Another feature on the rail vehicles and we can pass this superb block devoted to gardens of France, which sounds good with the year 2011 under the theme "International Year of Forests." Good idea as to the issue on the firemen but the visual mystery of the future block:

-Page 05: emissions are presented in October. Still 03 blocks and a book this month and a joint issue with Syria

-Page 06: emissions are presented in November. Another book and 2 souvenir sheets including one on the red cross. A program to conscarée stamps service promises to issue two stamps under the wing of UNESCO:

- Page07: Apparently nothing is expected in December. Stamp collectors can breathe a little shopping after the many countless blocks and books, but it offers about even a small deck line as last year summarizing all the stamps of the year nicely illustrated and documented:
A very short message