By oolong VOWELS
Variation 1: Vowel / Vowel
oye e
oi A, E, I or e, U e, O had: oye e, ei ai eu eu
or o I FACE: A
, oi oeeue or e ui e aae
goose or e eu had ua e
ow 'o e ; E, a eu e a eu e e e e ,
a e e a ie ie , oi a , i o 'o e e ;
I, ou e , a a é, i e e è e e e
a a o è e ou e i e e é i e e ;
U, y e , i e e i i e e i i e ,
ai e â i e é 'a i au , ai e i e
ue 'a i ie i i e au a o u ieu ;
O, u ê e ai o ei e i eu é a e ,
i e e a e é e o e e e A e :
- O 'O é a, ayo io e e e Yeu !
A u i au
Variation 2 : Voyelles/consonnes
V ll s
n r, bl nc, r g , v rt, bl : v ll s,
J d r q lq j r v s n ss nc s l t nt s :
, n r c rs t v l d s m ch s cl t nt s
Q b mb n nt t r d s p nt rs cr ll s,
G lf s d' mbr ; , c nd rs d s v p rs t d s t nt s,
L nc s d s gl c rs f rs, r s bl ncs, fr ss ns d' mb ll s ;
, p rpr s, s ng cr ch, r r d s lvr s b ll s
D ns l c lr l s vr ss s pn t nt s ;
, c cl s, v br m nt d v ns d s m rs v r d s,
P x d s pt s s ms d' n m x, p x d s r d s
Q l' lch m mpr m x gr nds fr nts st d x ;
, s prm Cl r n pl n d s str d rs tr ng s,
S l nc s tr v rsés d s M nd s t d s ng s:
- the mg rnvltd S sx!
rth r R d mb
Variation 3: alpha
AA Alchemy Angels Animal Arthur around the beautiful white white blue corset buzz candor Bugle anger spat
cruel cycles of of of of of In of of of of of of of of of of say divine EE vibrant and proud and strange chills glacier fronts Golf Grand
II prints drunkenness I update the the Lancer latent lip Seas Worlds birth black black flies OOO Omega shade umbellate or pastry penitents
Peace Peace What stinks about full purple Who radius Rimbaud laugh wrinkles kings red blood seeded Silences His strident studious Supreme tents
crossed UU vapors vibrant green hairy violet verdant your vowels Vowels Eyes,,,, :,:,,;,,,,;,, ,;,,,,;,,: -!
Variation 4: alpha free verse
AA Alchemy Angels Animal Arthur around the
beautiful white white blue buzz
candor Bugle anger spewed cruel corset
cycles of of of of of of In of of of of of of of of of God say
EE vibrant and strange chills
proud glaciers fronts
Golf Grand
II prints drunkenness
days of the Lancer latent lip
Seas Worlds flies
birth black black
OOO Omega shade umbellate or
Peace Peace pastry penitents full purple
That stinks about Who
radius Rimbaud laugh wrinkles kings red blood
seeded Silences His strident studious Supreme
tents crossed
vapors vibrant green hairy violet verdant your vowels Vowels
,,,, :,:,,;,,,,;,,,;,,,,;,,: -!
Variation 5: Robert Vowels alphabetical order
A (2 times)
Alchemy Angels Animal
beautiful white (2 times of which the plural )
of (3 times) In
of the (12 times)
E (2 times)
and (2fois)
I (2 times)
J: I
the (twice) the
the lips
black births (2 times)
O (3 times)
Peace (2 times, one with a capital letter)
Q: What
R: radius
Silences His strident
U (2 times)
hairy green purple
Vowels (2 times, one with a tiny)
W, X:
, (24 times)
: (2 times)
; (4 times)
Variation 6: Vowel inventory
Thirty five A, an A caret, ten B C eighteen; September 20 D; eighty-three E, six e acute; two E grave accent; an E focus circumflex, four F, eight billion, four H I Sept. 30, two J; no K; The thirty two, fifteen million, thirty and N, O twenty-eight, eleven P Q four and forty three Rs; seventy S and twenty four T; twenty nine U V thirteen, no W, six X and five Y, no Z, twenty-one comma, and three two points, five apostrophes, four semi-colon, a hyphen, exclamation point.
Change 7 : alphabétique versifié
A a b b c E e e e e i I g l l l ln n o o O o r r r t u U u v v y , , , , : ,
a a a a c d e e e e e e i i i J j l l n n n o o q q r r s s s s s t t u u u v :
A a a c c c d e e e e e é h i l l m n n o o o r r s s s s t t t u u v,
a a b b c d e e e e e i i l l m n n n o o p Q r r r s s s t t t u u u u u u ,
a a b c d d d d d e e e e E e e e e f G l m n n o o p r r r s s s s s s t t t u u v ' ; , ,
a a a b b c c c d de e e e e e f f g i i i i L l l l l m n n n o o o r r r r s s s s s s s s s s , , ' ;
a a b c c d e e e e e e é è g h I i l l l n o p p r r r r r r s s s s s u v, , ,
a a c D e e e e e e é è i i l l l n n n o p u r r s s s s s s t t u v ;
b c c d d d e e e e e e i i i i i l m m n n r r r s s s s t U v v v y , , ,
a a a a a â d d e e e e é d d i i i i i m m n P p p r s s s s s s t u x x x , '
a a a c d d e e e e f g h i i i i i l l m m m n n o p Q r r r s s s t t u u u u x x ' ;
a a C e e e e e é ê d d g i i i l l m n n O o n p p r r r r r s s s s s t t u u , ,
a A c d d d e e e e e e e e é g i l M n n n o r r S s s s s s s s t tv:
aadeeee e gillmn OO oor S stuvyx Y - ',! A
abdhimrr R tuu
Variation 8: alphabetical linear
vvvvvvvvvvvvxxxxxyyyY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::''''';;;;-!
Variation 9, renversement
, selleyov: uelb O, Trevor U, eguor I cnalb E, Rion A
: setnetal secnassian slept ruoj euqleuq iarid not
setnatalcé sehcuom practice ULEV tesroc Rion, A
, selleurc sruetnaup practice ruotau tnenibmob iuQ
, setnet esd sruepav practice sruednac, E; orbmo'd sefloG
; sellebmo'd snossirf, scnalb sior, sreif sreicalg practice secnaL
selleb Servel practice erir, éhcarc Gnas, serproup, I
; Setnetinép sesservi went uo erèloc al
perhaps, sed sediriv Srem snivid tnemerbiv, selcyc, U sed
sedir Xiapu, xuamina'd shemesh SITAP sed Xiapu
; xueiduts stnorf Xu emirpmi eimihcla'l euQ
, sed segnarté sruedirts nielp norialC emêrpus, O
: Segni sed sed te sednoM sésrevart secneliS
! xueY yourself before teloiv noyar, agémO'l O -
duabmiR ruhtrA
Variation 10: Babelfish français, anglais, français
Forest Voyelles
Avec le noir, blanc de E, I, de rouge, de vert U bleu de About: voyelles,
I say one day your mysterious origins: With
, black velvety jacket of bright
flies which buzz around cruel smells, Gulfs of shadow
, E, franchises and steam tents,
The lances of proud glaciers , white kings, aspen umbel those
I, crimson, blood spit, laugh of beautiful lips In anger or
poisoning penitent
U, cycles, divine vibrations of verdant seas,
peace grazing sown animals, Peace wrinkles
alchemy prints with great faces studious
O Supreme bugle completely with the piercing sounds strange silence
cross worlds and angels
- O the Omega, purple beam from his eyes!
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 11: Abba Baab CCD vowels ee d to aaaa bbbb cc dd ee (sonnet while flat)
A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels,
Who buzz around cruel smells,
Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels;
I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips
some day I will tell your latent birth:
A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapors and tents,
In anger or penitent drunkenness;
U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas,
peace of pastures dotted animals, Peace wrinkles
That alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;
- O the Omega, violet ray of His Eyes!
O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds, Silences crossed by Worlds
and Angels:
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 12: Vowels arranged to alphabetically
A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels,
A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies
Arthur Rimbaud
In anger or penitent drunkenness;
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapors and tents,
I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips
I will some day your mysterious origins:
Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels;
- O the Omega violet ray of His Eyes!
O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds,
peace of pastures dotted animals, Peace wrinkles
That alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;
Which buzz around cruel smells,
Silences crossed by Worlds and Angels:
U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas,
Variation 13: A skeleton
aa aa
';, aa, aa
, a,';
,, aa,
,,, has
at 'AA has
' aa a ;
, a a ,
a A :
- ' a, a !
A a
Variation 14: Voyelles, squelette en e
e e
, E , e, e , e : e e ,
e e e e e e :
, e e e e é e
e e e e e ,
e ' e ; E, e e e e e e e ,
e e e e , , ' e e ;
, e , é, e e è e e e
è e e e e é e e ;
, e , e e e e e ,
e e é ' , e e
e ' e e e ;
, ê e e e e é e ,
e eee eeeee:
- 'e, eeee!
Change 15: uppercase vowels
A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels, I will say some day
your mysterious origins:
A, black velvety jacket
of brilliant flies which buzz around cruel smells, Gulfs
Shadow, E, whiteness of vapors and of tents, lances of proud glaciers
, white kings, shivers of umbels;
I, purples, spat blood, smile
of beautiful lips In anger or penitent drunkenness ;
U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas,
peace of pastures dotted with animals, the peace of wrinkles
that alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;
O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds, silences crossed
Worlds and Angels:
- O the Omega, violet ray of His Eyes! Arthur Rimbaud
Change 16: O
o noor o Blonce, roogo o, o vort, O bloo: vooollos, Jo
doroo qoolqoo joor your noossoncos lotontos:
o noor corsot volo back moochos oclotontos
Qoo bombonont ootoor of poontoors croollos,
Gulfs d'shoulder, the, ot vopoors condoors of the fool, the
Lonco glocoors foors, roos bloncs, frossons d'ombollos; the
, poorpros, song crochet, roro of Lovro bollo
Dons them oo it coloro ovrossos ponotontos;
, cochlea, vobromont dovons vorodos of mors, we
pooxi of Potos d'onomoox, pooxi Squeegee
Qoo l'olchomoo ompromo oox gronds stodooox fronts;
O Sopromar Clooron ploon of strodoors otrongos,
Soloncos trovorsos of Mondos ot ongos:
- The l'Omogo, rooon voolot ooox of Sos!
orthor Rombood
Change 17: Abiword spell and U.S. cut words
Boy A beautiful
normal, E white, I red, U avert, O blue: boy beautiful
Joe dirac quell cue o vows Nazi stanzas latent :
A normal corset ucla canopy layers dies Tastes
Quip bomb indent tau tower cpu dyes ant crud beautiful hearts, bare
Golfers doom, E, can demur Does Eva for tenths and deus,
Lances odes glaciers fliers, laws blanks, frisk fine ons doom;
I for parks, blood crack ha ire beautiful odes res
the Deans era cool you dick lees ivy leash pan notes;
U, cycles, divine odes financing vi vi myers wrinkle
Paid odes pat IS SEEM have dan max Paid odes wrinkles
Cue all chime rhyme imp ax major Former studio fronts;
O Supreme Clarion klein odes stride hearts at ranges ,
Silences sleepers odes odes Ganges and Methods:
- O omega leo, radon purple ode Uses ax Aye!
Arthur Rim baud
Variation 18: Moving a row with preservation of accented characters.
opjs b, f cmbod, spvhf j, v wfsu, p VBMF: wpzfmmft,
kf ejsbj rvfmrvf kpvs wpt objttbodft mbufouft:
b, opjs dpstfu wfmv npvdift eft eft édmbubouft
rvj cpncjofou bvupvs qvboufvst dsvfmmft,
hpmgft e'pncsf f, eft dboefvst wbqfvst ufouft fu eft, eft
mbodft hmbdjfst gjfst, spjt cmbodt, gsjttpot e'pncfmmft;
j, qpvsqsft, tboh dsbdié, sjsf eft mèwsft cfmmft
ebot dpmèsf mb pv mft jwsfttft qéojufouft;
v, dzdmft, wjcsfnfou ejwjot nfst wjsjeft eft, eft
qbjy qâujt tfnét e'bojnbvy, Sjef qbjy eft
RVF m'bmdijnjf jnqsjnf bvy hsboet gspout tuvejfvy;
p, tvqsênf dmbjspo qmfjo eft tusjefvst éusbohft,
tjmfodft usbwfstét EFT EFT npoeft fu bohft:
- p m'pnéhb, sbzpo wjpmfu ef tft zfvy!
bsuivs sjncbve
Change 19: French-German-Russian-French dictionary with
The Vowels,
From the black, E white, I, red, U, On, Green: I
vowels talk about some day it mysterious origins
A bad hairy black flies radiant
Around the stench cruel buzz
Gulfs of shadow; I laugh the sincerity of the ship and lives in a tent peaks proud
the glacier the white kings, tremor umbels,
I, purple, ausgepucktes blood on nice
the fury or willing to repent of drunkenness
U, cycles, vibrant viridian seas, the world paid
, animal GESAT the world what great
curious forehead slap
Sur, up the horn, which is complete with strange piercing sounds, Quiet
which are crossed by worlds and angels
Sur, Omega, the radius purple branch of his eye
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 20 second striking hemistich
A black, E white, I red, I will some day
A, black velvety jacket
which buzz around
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness
Lances of proud glaciers,
I, crimson, blood spat,
in anger or
U, cycles, vibrate
peace of pastures dotted
That alchemy prints
O, sublime Trumpet
Silences crossed
- O the Omega, radius
21 striking variation first hemistich
U green, O blue: vowels,
your mysterious origins:
of brilliant flies
cruel smells,
vapors and tents,
white kings, shivers of umbels;
laugh of beautiful lips
raptures of penitence;
God of the seas,
animals, Peace
wrinkles on broad studious foreheads;
full of strange piercing sounds,
Worlds and Angels:
Violet Eyes!
Variation 22: reversal with shape retention sonnet in the rearrangement, we note that the shape abba CCRC ede dde is rare.
Arthur Rimbaud
- O the Omega, violet ray of His Eyes!
Silences crossed by Worlds and Angels:
O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds,
That alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;
peace of pastures dotted with animals, Peace wrinkles
U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas,
In anger or penitent drunkenness;
I, purples, spat blood, smile of lips beautiful
Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels;
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapors and tents,
which buzz around cruel smells,
A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies
I will say one day your mysterious origins: A
black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels, Vowels
Change 23: reorganization first rhyme a1b1b2c2 b3a3a4b4 c1c2d1 e1e2d2>> a1b1c1d1e1 a2b2c2d2e2 a3b3 a4b4
A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels, I will some day
your mysterious origins:
U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas,
That alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads;
O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds, which buzz
around cruel smells,
A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies
peace of pastures dotted with animals, Peace wrinkles
- O the Omega, violet ray of His Eyes!
Silences crossed by Worlds and Angels:
Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels;
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness vapors and tents,
I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips In anger or
the raptures of penitence;
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 24: subtantifs and maintenance of adjectives list
Vowels , A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue, vowels, mysterious origins, A, black velvety jacket, bright flies, cruel smells, Gulfs of shadow
, E, whiteness, vapors, tents, Lances, glaciers proud, white kings, shivers, umbels, I, purples, spat blood, laugh, beautiful lips,
Cole, ivresses penitents, U, cycles, divine vibrement mere viridis, Paix, patios seme, animaux, paix, rides, Alchimie, studieux grands fronts,
O, suprême Clairon, strideurs étranger, silences Traverso, Mondes Anges, O, Omega , rayon violet, Yeux.
Variation 25: tabouleh avant chaque vowel
V oy,
Unless r, E bl ANC, I rouge, U v ert, O bl eu: he intend, J aiqu ELQ uejo ur r ed v os na iss ent at the ANC will be: A, cnot go gold, and v is the mo ud ant is at UCH is ECL uib Q OMB in ent in ut ur d is pu suede or e cr u urs he, G OLF is shadow e, e, c and e
of urs is urs et d v e p t will be ent, The ANC is of ers and so is gl ac ers, ro is ancs bl, fr iss tions of OMB he, I will urpr po, ang cr ACH
é s, r and r is the EVR is ed b he d ans ol lac ČR IVR eoul is ess ent it will be P, U, c YCL is, v em ent of IBR iv ins are m r v d ers are
, P d is p ix is at it s me of an im in ux, bread comes out of it is Q UEL r d 'e impr alch im im ea ux g ands or nts fr st ud ie ux, O, S and Cl
UPR me where to go in for it pl e e d str urs ETR ang is, S is enc il tr av ers ed d M ond es es es and Ang are: - O Om EG, r ay there
vi ol and S e Y es ux! Arth ur R IMB ud
Change 26: Reverse proxy for internal and odre words
vowels Vowels: A black, white E, red I, green U, blue O,
your latent birth Some day I'll say
A, black hairy corset brilliant
Who flies around cruel stench buzz,
E, Gulfs of shadow; vapors tents and candor, Lances
proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels;
purple, I. spat blood, smile of beautiful lips In
penitent drunkenness or anger;
viridian seas of divine vibrated, cycles, U
wrinkles Peace, Peace of pastures dotted with animals,
That studious foreheads large print to alchemy ;
O, supreme Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds,
crossed by Worlds and Angels Silences:
violet ray of His Eyes! - O the Omega,
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 27: reversing the line hemistich line, the rhymes are still there.
U green, O blue: vowels, A black, E white, I red,
your mysterious origins: some day I will fly
A vibrant, black velvety jacket
cruel smells, which buzz around the
vapors and tents, Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness
white kings, shivers of umbels; Lances of proud glaciers,
laugh of beautiful lips I, purples, spat blood,
raptures of penitence; in anger or
God of the seas, U, cycles, vibrate
animals, Peace wrinkles peace of pastures dotted
on broad studious foreheads; That alchemy prints
full of strange piercing sounds, O, sublime Trumpet
Worlds and Angels: Silences crossed
Violet Eyes! - O the Omega, radius
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 28: silent skeleton
________ _ ____, _
_____, _____, _ _ _ ____, ____: __ _____ _______ ________,
____ ___ __________ ________:
_ ____ ____ ___ ______ _______ __________
___ _________ ______ ___ _________ ________, ______
_'_____; _ _______ ________ ___ __ ___ ___ ________ ______ ______,
____ _____, ______, ________ _'________;
_ ________, ______, ____ ____ ___ ____ ______ ______ __ ______ __
___ ________ __________;
_ ______, _________ ______ ___ ____ _______ ,
____ ___ _____ _____ _'_______, ____ ___ _____ ___
_'________ _______ ___ ______ ________ ______;
_ ___ _____ _______ _______ _________ ________ _________ ________,
___ ___ __ ______ _____: _ _
_'_____ , _____ ______ ___ __ ____! ______ _______
Change 29, reducing the final word of verse
cruel vowels brilliant
tents latent umbels
penitents beautiful verdant
strange wrinkle,
Angels Eyes!
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 30: of course fictional
0 01001 0 100001 0 011001 1 00001 1 1001 0 010000011
10 10000 1100110 1110 011 0001100001 00000001 0
01 0100 0101 00 0001 101 1110101 0000000001
110 111 100 000 010110 101 010000101 001000011
010101 1111100 0 01 00010101 101 0000101 00 101 0000 011
000001 101 00000001 100011 0101 1000011 10011101 1111100001 0
01 011000011 1000 0000101 0000 101 000001 100001
1001 00 010000 11 001 0000 1101 0000000001 0
11 0000011 001001000 100001 101 1001 0000 1011
0001 101 01001 10101 1100010111 0001 101 00101
110 0100010100 0100010 011 000011 101001 10110011 0
11 1100010 0000010 00000 101 100010101 000000011
10000001 000000101 101 110101 00 101 0000 1 0
1 1 01110001 00010 001000 10 101 0011 1
000,110 0,011,011
Change 31: linear, no punctuation neither upper
vowels a black white red i e o u green blue vowels I say one day your mysterious origins has black hairy corset
of brilliant flies which buzz around cruel smells gulfs of shadow e whiteness of vapors and tents
lances of proud glaciers white kings chills umbels of purple blood i spit laughter of beautiful lips in anger or
the raptures of penitence u cycles divine vibrations of the seas peace of pastures dotted with animals
peace wrinkles that alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads o Supreme bugle full of strange piercing
silences crossed by worlds and angels o Omega violet ray from his eyes arthur rimbaud
Change 32, thematic reorganization
In Black: A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies which buzz around cruel smells, Gulfs of shadow.
E White E, whiteness of vapors and of tents, lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels.
I red: I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips in anger or penitent drunkenness.
Green U: U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas, peace of pastures dotted with animals, Peace wrinkles
that alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads.
blue O: O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing sounds, Silences crossed by Worlds and Angels: - O the Omega, violet ray of His Eyes!
Arthur Rimbaud: Vowels, I say one day your mysterious origins Vowels
Change 33: deletion of the first consonant in words, maintaining the rhythm
(pulling a bit by hair)
oir A, E lanc, I ouge, ert U, O leu: oyelles,
e ome o bone go away IRTH atenta :
A Orset elected ee es Ouches dominions
ui ombinent UTour es uanteurs alleys
Olfe shadow E andeurs are frightened and are ales,
ancestral laci es ial, ois lancs, infants umbels;
I ourpres, ang spine ire they're lips
years Olère or Iressa are énitentes;
U ycle, ibrement Ivins ers es irides,
aix es atis emes animals aix ideas are eu
alchemy iprime the rand Ronta tudieux;
O uprême Lairon're lein trideurs Abroad,
ilences Raversi es are airwaves and Ages:
- O Omega, ayon iolet e es Eyes!
Athur Imbaud
Change 34, deleting the rhymes
A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue
I will some day your birth
A, black velvety jacket flies
Who stinks buzz around
Gulfs of shadow; E, whiteness of vapors
Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers
I, purples, spat blood, smile of
lips in anger or drunkenness
U, cycles , divine vibrations seas
peace of pastures dotted with animals, That peace
alchemy prints on broad fronts
O, sublime Trumpet full of strident
Silences crossed by Worlds
- O the Omega, violet ray
Arthur Rimbaud
Change 35: false sonnet
A black, E white, I red, U
green, O blue: vowels, I will some day
your mysterious origins: A, black velvety jacket of brilliant flies
buzz around cruel smells, Gulfs of shadow , E, whiteness of vapors and
tents, lances of proud glaciers,
white kings, shivers of umbels; I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips
In anger or penitent drunkenness
, U, cycles, divine vibrations of
of viridian seas, Peace of pastures dotted with animals
and peace of the furrows which alchemy prints
on broad studious foreheads; O, sublime Trumpet full of strange piercing
Silences crossed by Worlds and Angels: - O the Omega, violet ray
Arthur Rimbaud
Variation 36 (and last? A the most obvious, yet ...)
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\\ pard \\ plain \\ s1 \\ cf0 \\ rtlch \\ af1 \\ lang255 \\ ltrch \\ dbch \\ AF4 {ltrch \\ loch \\ f1
Vowels} \\ par
\\ par {\\ ltrch \\ loch \\ f1 A black, E white, I red, U green, O blue: vowels, \\ line some day I will tell your latent birth:
\\ line A, black velvety jacket flies \\ 'e9clatantes \\ line which buzz around cruel smells, \\ line \\ line Gulfs of shadow ;
E, whiteness of vapors and tents, \\ line Lances of proud glaciers, white kings, shivers of umbels; \\ line I, purples, spat blood \\
'e9, laugh \\' s beautiful e8vres \\ line In Col \\ 'e8re or drunkenness p \\' e9nitentes ; \\ Line \\ line U, cycles, divine vibrations of the seas, \\ line
Peace p \\ 'e2tis week \\' E9s animals, Peace wrinkles \\ line That alchemy prints on broad studious foreheads; \\ line \\ O line, Supreme \\
EAME Trumpet full of strident \\ 'e9tranges \\ line through Silences \\' E9s Worlds and Angels: \\ line - O Om \\
'e9ga violet ray of His Eyes!
} \\ par {\\ ltrch \\ loch \\ f1 Arthur Rimbaud
} \\ par}
An artist to discover.
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