Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Is A Good Cream For The Lip Area

When the media talk of conspiracies .... 2.0

J ournal : activity which consists collect, collate, verify and comment on facts , to bring to public attention through the media.

In theory in a democratic society, press information is:

  • a given news and general interest (or universally significant data taken collectively in the facts and events of this or significance for the present time)
  • se lected and formatting e
  • by free conscience, formed at the disinterested search for truth and seeks the common good
  • and broadcast media by guaranteeing the independence journalist from any power (Political, ideological or economic, including in relation to the interests of the company that employs him when there is a democratic issue of information).
What about journalism today when talking about the "conspiracy theory"?

In fact, the only broadcast media rarely the said theories this expression is a tool to discredit opponents . "This catch-all term used to ad hominem to deny the irrefutable " likes to recall American academic Webster G. Tarpley .

Recent news we have shown the difficulty to raise the question of a simple cons -Survey ( would do journalistic ) on these events of 11 September. Bigard, Cottillard , Guelluck , Kassovitz, these artists as I did each equipped with common sense and discernment are naturally led to speak on these subjects, but their high cost.

Journalists themselves amenable to the game of transparency suffer the consequences, Taddei summoned to explain himself, karl zero already ousted from the small screen. When the subject starts to make too many waves, a good old debate is needed, "The Subject of scandal" (France 2, 30/09/2009) cult show of propaganda and pretense . The site conspiracywatch.info under this program " / 11: Conspiracy Theory shelled on France 2" one wonders how!

The internet is not far behind with the radiance of the blog cnn, "Follow the Geek" (sponsored and employed by the Figaro (Dassault) Lesigne do not the means, several page are devoted " a phenomenon quite interesting: the existence on the platform of video (Dailymotion) any underground activity (...) their thesis: that of a World Grand Conspiracy."

After these few lines Encouragingly, we see a first manipulation, a lightning shortened amalgam: "The conspiracy theorists have always existed, or almost, and are part of geek culture. But the Internet allows them not only to present and disseminate their ideas, but also to gather. And there is a strange alliance between pro-activist blacks Ka Tribe and members of splinter groups of the extreme right, between anti-globalization, anti-Zionists and Islamists, among media critics and conspiracy theorists on September 11. "

ribembelle Follows a link by clicking on the thematic of the most common, but there was no work to prove or disprove any particular information. We do realize that the phenomenon but not the why of it and one wonders just its popularity!

Le Monde Diplomatique, written by anthropologist Denis Duclos, gives him an interresting when a review of "hysteria" around the A and influenza vaccines. Filled with common sense, the article appears, the air of nothing, we provide some concrete ideas, references rarely relayed as a declaration of Catherine Austin Fitss (Deputy Secretary of State for Housing during the first term W Bush) which provides, with sadness and horror, that the flu vaccine and will be used to reduce the human population now "out of control. "Anthropologist goes further, quoting the complaint of Jane Burgermeister cons pharmaceutical laboratories to the FBI fomenting this" genocide against humanity. "The word Illuminati is also used, perhaps popularized by Angel and Demons movie. In this connection, it is only anecdote, but the number of the diplomatic world was the No. 666!

The Nouvel Observateur online also devoted a series of articles to the major conspiracy theories, including September 11. site ReOpen911 sees a real breakthrough, however, but regret :
"... the nervousness of the journalist who leads him to conclude that" These conspiracy theories seem so, unfortunately, still have a bright future ahead of them ... "or that it is difficult to argue the irrational ". Nevertheless progress is real as evidenced by Article Presentat for the first time in the general press, the project Northwood and the reference to New York NYCCAN initiative. "

Note the final article entitled " The Illuminati do they control the world? " which concludes:
" So ultimately, does it believe the Illuminati? For it is indeed here belief in the sense that no rigorous proof does validate the hypothesis. And for good reason. "It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room ... especially when there is no" , "said political scientist and philosopher Pierre-André Taguieff , quoting a proverb chi nois. "Whoever does not hear can not hear. Instead, he joined the objections to his theory," the researcher at the CNRS, questioned by nouvelobs.com , "theories the plot are impervious to argument, they are dogma. Conspiracy theories respond according to Pierre-Andre Taguieff a need to "re-enchantment of the world".

Would it not be a balance between confabulation and why?

Far from seeing a conspiracy theory, Noam Chomsky , great linguist and philosopher, seeks to highlight the process by which the media tend to keep companies in a democratic ideological straitjacket. His critique focuses on the overall functioning of the media institution in dealing with economic and political power. Chomsky shows how the mass media election drown in a flood of information far too dense to serve as support for reflection and converges ultimately to one-way analysis based on assumptions that are carefully avoids back in question. he said
"the degree of obedience to the authorities of the media similar to that found in totalitarian regimes"; " media sometimes defy the powers that be but while respecting certain limits . .

So in this world of information, the journalist is subject to the media by their internal structure.

Ask media deal clearly and Frankly theories of conspiracies, come back to ask them to reveal their real motivation is profit, their actual operation: the advertising space and shareholders, announced the censorship systems: centralization of information-type AFP Reuteurs the conniving politico-financial etc ...

In conclusion and as a reminder, here is the documentary by Pierre Carles: "Not seen, not caught." Report dealing with CONIVE between politics and media, the politician manipualtion by audio-visual, never aired on French television.


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