"If our climate in the industry can do without the direct use of solar heat, it will happen necessarily a day for lack of fuel, it will be much forced to return to work of natural agents. That deposits of coal and oil provide him a long time their enormous heat output, we have no doubt. But these deposits are depleted without any doubt: the woods, he, however, renews itself it is not becoming more scarce than before? Why would it not even one day a supply of fuel where it draws so largely without ever fill the voids that are formed there? [...] One can not help but conclude that is prudent and wise not to fall asleep in this regard on a false security. "
Augustine Mouchot
Professor and Inventor in 1869 French
And yes! The mere finding of evidence does not date from yesterday, Professor Mouchot this engineer precursor on solar cooking was already conscious. Therefore look at this calmly hot topic - the end of abundant energy - although the consequences (specifically the end of the Lifestyle Western) this problem is virtually never mentioned by the politicians.
This does not mean that one is not aware of the problem, far from it. By 1956 the bell curve of production, as suggested by M. King Hubbert accurately enough represents what is currently profile. Far from me to want to bore you with charts, but if you want, take the time to watch this informative conference Yves Cochet .
That said, imagine, if only a few moments, the practical consequences of a rising, exponential and drastic price of barrels. Transportation will be affected first. Thought about the staggering costs of energy expended in the agro-food, thousands of kilometers traveled by your food to cite just one example ... will one day not so long ago, or the overall logic of the world will collapse on him itself.
"Post-Oil is the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. Modern civilization has accustomed us to the easy consumption of material goods and comfort ... all this has been achieved of course through modern scientific and technological discoveries ... but we blithely "forgot" that the implementation of mass was made possible through an easy to use energy and massively and easily available, so cheap ... And we have ignored the question of whether this land of plenty could be perpetuated indefinitely ... "
The quasi-religious paradigm of infinite growth of an economic point of view determines the "courtermisme" political and media concerns. A starting point would be to understand the sinews of war: money.
The system of debt-money is well described in film by Paul Grignon and in the series of "mini-articles" on the economy by André-Jacques Holbecq on onpeutlefaire.com, know where the money come from and where they finish is essential to understand an economic folly totally disconnect from the reality of resources. Let us briefly
that needs perpetual growth, linked to the exploitation of energy (mostly fossil, therefore finished) and our lifestyle (the superfluous consumption at the expense of a balanced access of basic needs for survival (housing, food) are in fine doomed to feed the banking cartel. geopolitical conflicts feed logically maintains the status quo, U.S. hegemony in armaments and the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are of illustrated example. A good demonstration of the documentary material is (Oil, Smoke & Mirrors (oil and smoke screens) finally recall that the first expense of the planet is weapons with about 1.5 trillion dollars and the second nearly 500 billion in ... advertising.
If you painted the picture seems somewhat gloomy, rejoice, because it's actually a great opportunity to empower ourselves.
"What good start sounding the alarm against the consumer society, against the pollution that results, if we continue to support industries that are poisoning us and deplete natural resources of the planet ? In the tumult of the indifferent crowd of large cities, it no longer receives complaints, then do not exercise the little oxygen left for us to scream our dismay. Will instead learn to live on contact with nature. The marvelous biological balance, we can measure the immensity of the disorder in our society. Sharing Knowledge on hold. Reconsider the essential elements of our existence ... We must find a healthy body and mind to achieve the pleasure of living and of loving ... Let us work with a company whose vitality is based on the mess. The man insists on inventing hell in a heavenly environment. "
This decrease energy future, we invite him to wear a Seeing the world.
Thoughts are emerging around the decay & voluntary simplicity, this film sets out the basis of these principles. Similarly, no fucked volem El Pais Pierre Carles following the very famous attention danger work, we presents the beginnings of this becoming reality.
is not here to present different points of view or constructive criticism vis-à-vis the decline . I invite you to simply look at the practicality of possible solutions at the local level.
Systems Local Exchange, barter or any other implementation facilitating exchanges of goods are not real alternatives for a more fuel-feeding business. Similarly, the Movement Reciprocal Exchange Networks for Knowledge is an example to follow in the idea of free knowledge. The creation of AMAP - Associations for the maintenance of family farming - (to promote family farming and organic which is struggling to survive against agribusiness) are good examples of a reality decentralized and not socially acceptable.
A good scenario is the example of Cuba, I invite you to read this article in faster Megan Quinn: "How Cuba survived Peak Oil" . The documentary of the same title is not available in French (for the moment I work) but here the polyglot .
This article is a real invitation as'informer and reflect on this reality, share this information around you and you will find that these issues are really detached from ordinary people. Take a step towards these considerations is aware of the future and therefore become responsible for our choices. As they say: "You can not say that you did not know!
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