Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beach Resorts Chennai Ecr

Peak Oil: Implications and expectations.

"If our climate in the industry can do without the direct use of solar heat, it will happen necessarily a day for lack of fuel, it will be much forced to return to work of natural agents. That deposits of coal and oil provide him a long time their enormous heat output, we have no doubt. But these deposits are depleted without any doubt: the woods, he, however, renews itself it is not becoming more scarce than before? Why would it not even one day a supply of fuel where it draws so largely without ever fill the voids that are formed there? [...] One can not help but conclude that is prudent and wise not to fall asleep in this regard on a false security. "

Augustine Mouchot
Professor and Inventor in 1869 French

And yes! The mere finding of evidence does not date from yesterday, Professor Mouchot this engineer precursor on solar cooking was already conscious. Therefore look at this calmly hot topic - the end of abundant energy - although the consequences (specifically the end of the Lifestyle Western) this problem is virtually never mentioned by the politicians.

This does not mean that one is not aware of the problem, far from it. By 1956 the bell curve of production, as suggested by M. King Hubbert accurately enough represents what is currently profile. Far from me to want to bore you with charts, but if you want, take the time to watch this informative conference Yves Cochet .

That said, imagine, if only a few moments, the practical consequences of a rising, exponential and drastic price of barrels. Transportation will be affected first. Thought about the staggering costs of energy expended in the agro-food, thousands of kilometers traveled by your food to cite just one example ... will one day not so long ago, or the overall logic of the world will collapse on him itself.

"Post-Oil is the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. Modern civilization has accustomed us to the easy consumption of material goods and comfort ... all this has been achieved of course through modern scientific and technological discoveries ... but we blithely "forgot" that the implementation of mass was made possible through an easy to use energy and massively and easily available, so cheap ... And we have ignored the question of whether this land of plenty could be perpetuated indefinitely ... "

http: / / apres.petrole.online.fr

The quasi-religious paradigm of infinite growth of an economic point of view determines the "courtermisme" political and media concerns. A starting point would be to understand the sinews of war: money.

The system of debt-money is well described in film by Paul Grignon and in the series of "mini-articles" on the economy by André-Jacques Holbecq on onpeutlefaire.com, know where the money come from and where they finish is essential to understand an economic folly totally disconnect from the reality of resources. Let us briefly

that needs perpetual growth, linked to the exploitation of energy (mostly fossil, therefore finished) and our lifestyle (the superfluous consumption at the expense of a balanced access of basic needs for survival (housing, food) are in fine doomed to feed the banking cartel. geopolitical conflicts feed logically maintains the status quo, U.S. hegemony in armaments and the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are of illustrated example. A good demonstration of the documentary material is (Oil, Smoke & Mirrors (oil and smoke screens) finally recall that the first expense of the planet is weapons with about 1.5 trillion dollars and the second nearly 500 billion in ... advertising.

If you painted the picture seems somewhat gloomy, rejoice, because it's actually a great opportunity to empower ourselves.

"What good start sounding the alarm against the consumer society, against the pollution that results, if we continue to support industries that are poisoning us and deplete natural resources of the planet ? In the tumult of the indifferent crowd of large cities, it no longer receives complaints, then do not exercise the little oxygen left for us to scream our dismay. Will instead learn to live on contact with nature. The marvelous biological balance, we can measure the immensity of the disorder in our society. Sharing Knowledge on hold. Reconsider the essential elements of our existence ... We must find a healthy body and mind to achieve the pleasure of living and of loving ... Let us work with a company whose vitality is based on the mess. The man insists on inventing hell in a heavenly environment. "

text written by Jacques Massacrier
early 1971

This decrease energy future, we invite him to wear a Seeing the world.

Thoughts are emerging around the decay & voluntary simplicity, this film sets out the basis of these principles. Similarly, no fucked volem El Pais Pierre Carles following the very famous attention danger work, we presents the beginnings of this becoming reality.

is not here to present different points of view or constructive criticism vis-à-vis the decline . I invite you to simply look at the practicality of possible solutions at the local level.

Systems Local Exchange, barter or any other implementation facilitating exchanges of goods are not real alternatives for a more fuel-feeding business. Similarly, the Movement Reciprocal Exchange Networks for Knowledge is an example to follow in the idea of free knowledge. The creation of AMAP - Associations for the maintenance of family farming - (to promote family farming and organic which is struggling to survive against agribusiness) are good examples of a reality decentralized and not socially acceptable.

A good scenario is the example of Cuba, I invite you to read this article in faster Megan Quinn: "How Cuba survived Peak Oil" . The documentary of the same title is not available in French (for the moment I work) but here the polyglot .

This article is a real invitation as'informer and reflect on this reality, share this information around you and you will find that these issues are really detached from ordinary people. Take a step towards these considerations is aware of the future and therefore become responsible for our choices. As they say: "You can not say that you did not know!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Names Of Parts Of Pirate Ship

Out of conscience

The blog will close on 31/12.

In the meantime, if you want to leave your comments ...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Area Of Shaded Circle

Aloha Mecca of dog excrement

With his eyes a pimp and his three hundred euro discount, love has clogged toilets of the hotel without stars.
I yelled ALOHA!
I know I could come and I'm not coming.
That I could become and I'm not now.

While on the device I meet magicians without sombrero, a rap torturer drips into the sink.
On calm snob, surgeons, plastic with their hands ... have a sense of gravity.

ALOHA, I yelled.
And a guy who loves bukkake and sad thoughts is not necessarily a bad guy.

Thunderstorms, drives, electrical impulses through the window where I see naked girls. They chew gum.

Trio in the third. Christmas is coming. Soon an urban guerrilla. You have been warned that there are bargains to be in department stores.
Mathematicians of taradiddles have a smile on his lips.
What is appropriate is often agreed.
Under the shelves there are, or sclerotic plaques, chocolate.

I imagine already sterile because of the flu. A socket for the twelve!
fatal aberration.
harassed Nicht, nicht shot on the sidewalks, continuous availability, I review the separation of powers.
battle with nothing.
The Mecca of dog excrement.

Want to test me and the Issue?
And tell my seed when it comes out, to close the door ...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Calories Burned Arc Trainer


Suzy, this is not a pipe! This
, not everything is a joke!
A ring.

From Tobacco-
In a bar of chocolate??
I love you: you say I scream ... we'll see on Thursday!

A whipped cream, Nice ride.
Suzy likes anise and Knot nice.
The Doctor Knock. And the nice men.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Knock-down.

Doctor, look at my eyes!

I love you: the custard. Pretty
Ice-Dream. Merchant

lobe voiceless sax, marching girls Enzyme. My
pair rings!
Cent crazy.
But decoys roam.
course, but the Strip ... obrigado?

The rainbow dog unravels.
U.S. are establishing the ass snake!
Monétarium: work, con sum and we're ... you?
viral Triangle: ex-BEAR, e-CHINA, United aesthetes.
Soho. The latest tactic sitcom spermatic glaucoma Suzy-rotates the eye.
The Eye of X.

Mia più bella, Kama Sutra spleen.
Glory-hole, to fly from depression. Poets
hurry, menacing air and belly with air like dead birds. Putrid


On the windows of the taxi that takes me back, we crossed Baudelaire and clouds. Rain sizzles.
In my temples, agreements, rattling sound, as sharp as knives and pans.

A fire!

When I hear the word love,
It seems to me that I puke ...

A cock!

I'll put you to the horizontal ...

Te draw vertical

Te ... fuck ... in perpendicular

Te fucked in cross ...!

A blood!

When I hear the word love,
So, in concluding the monotonous sounds ...! ?

I become what I am:
A dead animal, the tentacles of atomic precarious. An interlude-
for future generations.
The man who kissed your moon.

The Ice-Dream.

Where To Get A Table With Chairs In Millsberry

The toys of Big Brother (Haarp of Echelon)

For those who do not yet know, a return on two technologies used by some governments, the implications or not unknown to the general public: HAARP and STEP.


HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral for Research Program).

According website dedicated to this program , this facility aims to study the properties of the ionosphere. More specifically, it allows us to study how perturbations in this layer of the upper atmosphere by magnetic storms affect radio communications global navigation systems satellite networks and power transmission over long distances.

With these facilities, researchers "are also trying to produce small temporary changes in a limited area, directly above the site investigation, which in any case, may not be comparable to global phenomena caused by solar disturbances . Instruments, an extraordinary sensitivity, installed at the observatory HAARP can make detailed correlations from limited effects thus produced, allowing a better understanding of how the ionosphere responds to a wide variety natural phenomena. "

It is generally talking about the installation of the U.S. government in Alaska. However, there are other facilities doing the same type of experiment.
HAARP is 3 e ionospheric research site in the United States, the others being in the vicinity of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, near Fairbanks, Alaska, station HIPAS . The research station EISCAT European with a capacity of 1000 MW (ERP) is located near Tromsø, Norway. A similar station is located in Russia near Nizhny Novgorod, with a capacity of 190 MW, this station Sura. Map (2007), shows the devices under development.

In 1995, the controversy comes with the book Angels do not play this HAARP. On the basis of work and Brett Eastlund, other scientists, researchers, journalists and environmental activists have engaged in a real detective game with the U.S. military to determine other aspects unacknowledged by the Air Force and Navy project "HAARP". among them, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a senior scientist who formerly had been designated as an expert by the administration Reagan to study the effects of the proposed arms "Star Wars". She is now a consultant poru the European Parliament on "Haarp". Or Dr. Nick Begich, a conservationist and Jeanne Manning, a freelance journalist who specializes in research on energy called "unconventional", which are co-authors of the book mentioned above. the result of their investigation was corroborated by other scientists as Dr. Zielinski, a physicist specializing in allement quantum electrodynamics or the American chemist Richard Williams.

In 1999, a report by the Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament Parliament European states system use HAARP as a weapon system to amend the climate manipulating energy giant, could have terrible consequences; excerpts:
"Whereas military research currently focuses on the manipulation of the environment military purposes, and despite the existing conventions and is the case, for example based HAARP system in Alaska, "

" Considers HAARP by reason of its overall impact on the environment, raises global problems and calls for its legal implications, ecological and ethical consideration by a independent international body
before further research and realistic lysates test: Regrets that the U.S. government has until May nt recovery refused to send a representative to provide Testimony on risks posed to the environment and the population of currently funded HAARP in Alaska, during the public hearing or during a subsequent meeting of the committee responsible, "
" requests the establishment of a special agreement International to global ban on all research and development Both military and civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the processes of the human brain's chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other weapons development, which could open the door any form of manipulation of human beings; such an agreement would also prohibit any possibility of actual or potential use of such systems. "
" HAARP can have multiple applications. The manipulation of electrical characteristics of the atmosphere to control energy giant. U tilisée for military purposes against an enemy, this technique can
have terrible consequences. HAARP can send in one place millions of times more energy than any conventional transmitter. Energy can also be directed against a moving target, especially against enemy missiles. The project improves communication with submarines and can manipulate the weather world. But conversely, disrupt communications, is also possible. By manipulating the ionosphere, it can block the global communication while preserving its own communications capabilities. radiograph of the earth to a depth several kilometers (Earth penetrating tomography) at the end of discovering the fields of oil and gas, but also military equipment underground, and the horizon radar that identifies objects at great distance beyond the line horizon are other applications of the HAARP system. "

" Under the Antarctic Treaty , Antarctica may be used only for peaceful purposes, which means that HAARP violated international law. "
We can not speak here of plot, but real doubt on the part of the European Parliament, on the possible implications of such a program. To better understand

Haarp, I suggest you watch the documentary "archi ves forgotten" on this topic.

We talk about Haarp on Itel:

Second part:
STEP Program

Echelon when to him, hit the headlines in 1999 and 2000: it is a listening system Anglo-Saxon (USA, England, New Zealand, ...) Established during the Cold War to intercept telecommunications world.

At the end of the Cold War, its designers have started using it for industrial espionage against ... their allies.

The European Parliament Temporary Committee on ECHELON interception system, draft final report (May 18, 2001) indicates :

"The system designated under the code name " STEP "is apart from other intelligence systems in that it has two features which make it a special quality.

The first is deemed to have is ability to monitor virtually complete. Through primarily satellite receiving stations and spy satellites, any communication of an occupant in any medium - telephone, fax, Internet or mail - can be intercepted in order to acquaint its contents.

The second is that the Echelon system operates globally through the cooperation of several states (UK, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand)

"Unanswered questions
The U.S. government did not allow interviews with members of the Committee wished to have with the Centre. Two issues that have raised doubts could therefore be clarified:

a) the board has documents that appear to establish a participation
CIA activities Centre,

b) among the information it provides on the Internet, the Center indicates that brings together the resources of 19
"government agencies" U.S.. Also, is there only 14
state agencies. Why names of 5 of these can they be made public ?
"Most of the time the interception stations are officially managed by the military, which also support the technical aspect of the interception. So in the case of the NSA, for example, is the Naval Security Group (NAVSECGRU) or the Air Intelligence Agency, U.S. Air Force (AIA), which operates the stations. In the British stations, the Royal Airforce that manages the facilities on behalf of service British intelligence (GCHQ). These provisions ensure military control strict installation, while allowing as cover. "
In August 1988, an article from British journalist Duncan Campbell gave details of the project P415 (Echelon): an electronic monitoring system that is comprehensive communications civilians.
Work by a New Zealander Nicky Hager (Secret Power, Hager, 1996) provides extremely precise details about Echelon, including operation based keywords.
It discovers much interests that may not appeal to security.
A second list was revealed in 1998 by Guy Fawkes. More on complement THIS SITE.

and finally a documentary to conclude STEP

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Is A Good Cream For The Lip Area

When the media talk of conspiracies .... 2.0

J ournal : activity which consists collect, collate, verify and comment on facts , to bring to public attention through the media.

In theory in a democratic society, press information is:

  • a given news and general interest (or universally significant data taken collectively in the facts and events of this or significance for the present time)
  • se lected and formatting e
  • by free conscience, formed at the disinterested search for truth and seeks the common good
  • and broadcast media by guaranteeing the independence journalist from any power (Political, ideological or economic, including in relation to the interests of the company that employs him when there is a democratic issue of information).
What about journalism today when talking about the "conspiracy theory"?

In fact, the only broadcast media rarely the said theories this expression is a tool to discredit opponents . "This catch-all term used to ad hominem to deny the irrefutable " likes to recall American academic Webster G. Tarpley .

Recent news we have shown the difficulty to raise the question of a simple cons -Survey ( would do journalistic ) on these events of 11 September. Bigard, Cottillard , Guelluck , Kassovitz, these artists as I did each equipped with common sense and discernment are naturally led to speak on these subjects, but their high cost.

Journalists themselves amenable to the game of transparency suffer the consequences, Taddei summoned to explain himself, karl zero already ousted from the small screen. When the subject starts to make too many waves, a good old debate is needed, "The Subject of scandal" (France 2, 30/09/2009) cult show of propaganda and pretense . The site conspiracywatch.info under this program " / 11: Conspiracy Theory shelled on France 2" one wonders how!

The internet is not far behind with the radiance of the blog cnn, "Follow the Geek" (sponsored and employed by the Figaro (Dassault) Lesigne do not the means, several page are devoted " a phenomenon quite interesting: the existence on the platform of video (Dailymotion) any underground activity (...) their thesis: that of a World Grand Conspiracy."

After these few lines Encouragingly, we see a first manipulation, a lightning shortened amalgam: "The conspiracy theorists have always existed, or almost, and are part of geek culture. But the Internet allows them not only to present and disseminate their ideas, but also to gather. And there is a strange alliance between pro-activist blacks Ka Tribe and members of splinter groups of the extreme right, between anti-globalization, anti-Zionists and Islamists, among media critics and conspiracy theorists on September 11. "

ribembelle Follows a link by clicking on the thematic of the most common, but there was no work to prove or disprove any particular information. We do realize that the phenomenon but not the why of it and one wonders just its popularity!

Le Monde Diplomatique, written by anthropologist Denis Duclos, gives him an interresting when a review of "hysteria" around the A and influenza vaccines. Filled with common sense, the article appears, the air of nothing, we provide some concrete ideas, references rarely relayed as a declaration of Catherine Austin Fitss (Deputy Secretary of State for Housing during the first term W Bush) which provides, with sadness and horror, that the flu vaccine and will be used to reduce the human population now "out of control. "Anthropologist goes further, quoting the complaint of Jane Burgermeister cons pharmaceutical laboratories to the FBI fomenting this" genocide against humanity. "The word Illuminati is also used, perhaps popularized by Angel and Demons movie. In this connection, it is only anecdote, but the number of the diplomatic world was the No. 666!

The Nouvel Observateur online also devoted a series of articles to the major conspiracy theories, including September 11. site ReOpen911 sees a real breakthrough, however, but regret :
"... the nervousness of the journalist who leads him to conclude that" These conspiracy theories seem so, unfortunately, still have a bright future ahead of them ... "or that it is difficult to argue the irrational ". Nevertheless progress is real as evidenced by Article Presentat for the first time in the general press, the project Northwood and the reference to New York NYCCAN initiative. "

Note the final article entitled " The Illuminati do they control the world? " which concludes:
" So ultimately, does it believe the Illuminati? For it is indeed here belief in the sense that no rigorous proof does validate the hypothesis. And for good reason. "It is difficult to catch a black cat in a dark room ... especially when there is no" , "said political scientist and philosopher Pierre-André Taguieff , quoting a proverb chi nois. "Whoever does not hear can not hear. Instead, he joined the objections to his theory," the researcher at the CNRS, questioned by nouvelobs.com , "theories the plot are impervious to argument, they are dogma. Conspiracy theories respond according to Pierre-Andre Taguieff a need to "re-enchantment of the world".

Would it not be a balance between confabulation and why?

Far from seeing a conspiracy theory, Noam Chomsky , great linguist and philosopher, seeks to highlight the process by which the media tend to keep companies in a democratic ideological straitjacket. His critique focuses on the overall functioning of the media institution in dealing with economic and political power. Chomsky shows how the mass media election drown in a flood of information far too dense to serve as support for reflection and converges ultimately to one-way analysis based on assumptions that are carefully avoids back in question. he said
"the degree of obedience to the authorities of the media similar to that found in totalitarian regimes"; " media sometimes defy the powers that be but while respecting certain limits . .

So in this world of information, the journalist is subject to the media by their internal structure.

Ask media deal clearly and Frankly theories of conspiracies, come back to ask them to reveal their real motivation is profit, their actual operation: the advertising space and shareholders, announced the censorship systems: centralization of information-type AFP Reuteurs the conniving politico-financial etc ...

In conclusion and as a reminder, here is the documentary by Pierre Carles: "Not seen, not caught." Report dealing with CONIVE between politics and media, the politician manipualtion by audio-visual, never aired on French television.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Land Surveyor's Formulas

Horses masked

"You should write books that to say things that would not trust anyone. "

From the disadvantage of being born, in Oeuvres, et al. Quarto, ed. Gallimard, p. 1286 CIORAN

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Funniest Pictionary Questions


poetry is ... [unresolved issues]


me poetry is poetry is you • • • Poetry is what poetry is • Poetry is not quiet or not qu'toi Me • Poetry is not poetry is qu'ça • • other as poetry is another • Poetry is not poetry is qu'l'autre • Easter • firebrand poetry is Easter before Palm Sunday • Poetry • Y'A not what poetry is that poetry is that •, & ; • that poetry is that poetry is also below the • • that poetry is not that poetry is not • that either (s'rait it too easy!) • Poetry • Other IT Poetry is hell (comm'disait another ...) • Poetry is upside down • Poetry is the other in me, in you (that's infinity) • Poetry is the place as poetry is Vica Versa • • • poetry is the poetry is to the • dreams • poetry is prose poetry is laying • Poetry is neither towards nor prose nor meter slave or pink or beet • Poetry is everything at once • poetry is not everything & anything • Poetry is not the stuff (when to go ...) • poetry is quite a story • Poetry is not poetry is un'vieille stories • history • poetry is a back panel, a bottom drawer of a background of poetry is a mirror • ruminoir, urinal, • un'furie black poetry is the hope & despair • • unexpected poetry is poetry is not it see it & see • Poetry is blinding, the inflated, the • unwittingly breathed poetry is the failure insured • Poetry • Poetry is folded • IT weighed poetry is sucking whispered, the moment & time, diction cracked • Poetry is inflated • • poetry is poetry is punctured or burst or not burst Scenic • Poetry • Poetry is nic & panic • poetry is not poetic • Poetry is not just Poetry • Poetry is not simple • Poetry That's life & it is not life • poetry is death is life & life is in death as • Poetry is Poetry is the influx of reflux • • • Poetry is the refusal of poetry is not poetry is not denial • • Poetry is the refuge before, during & and after the deluge • Poetry • IT use & abuse poetry is daring • Poetry is the biter • Poetry IT remains to dig


serious poetry • Poetry • Serial • Rieuse Poetry • Poetry • Poetry PIOUS Plural ceremonious • Poetry • Poetry Poetry • Squeezed Brain Grail • Poetry • Poetry is the real Babil • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Babel Spinal Pattern • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Vertiginous contested Margelle • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Martingale Perpetual • Poetry Margin of wandering • Poetry • Poetry Reptilian Ritual • Poetry • Poetry torrential restive repeat • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry answer to everything OF BOW, of prey weight Poetry • A full stop (or three ...) • Poetry is the hot & cold use • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Rebellious Ritournelle Ribambelle • Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Frontal • bold gestural poetry • poetry without rival Visual Poetry • Poetry • Poetry Without Borders • Vitale • Poetry • Poetry PROUD Ashamed • Poetry Textually transmitted (or not) • Poetry • Poetry WITHOUT voice of the voiceless • Poetry is the voice ( it will of itself!) • Poetry is lawless • Poetry is the mud (& gold) Celadon • Poetry • Poetry is here & it's not there • Poetry is • Buoy • poetry is poetry is the gift abandonment (& the abandoned) • Poetry is the Crivi, inkwell, shouted to the poetry is l'encrier • ash and smoke • spleen • Poetry is poetry is indiscipline • Poetry IT Index & lure, the butter & jam, squaring & the bad time • poetry is the poetry is smooth • pain • poetry is the 'Poetry is tamer tamed the untamed • • • poetry is the poetry is the unthought thought unthinkable • Poetry is not dreaming or not dreaming • • poetry is all poetry is all around (me, you, Vaduz ...) • • poetry is not poetry is yesterday, today or tomorrow • poetry is all or nothing (an entire) • poetry is double-servo • poetry is the poetry is old-fashioned words • • Poetry is words • too much of poetry is the words & it is not words • word poetry is practical or impractical • poetry is not words or not cratic cratic • Poetry is neither nor Cratylus • Cratylus poetry is not the here & the nunc, the ne plus ultra of &, funk, junk, punk • Poetry is • rotten poetry is a joke & it's no joke • poetry is to die and not to die • Poetry is who shall live and who shall die rot laugh or die will laugh and who will live • Poetry is rot rot rot that well or the last laughs best who can deny the poetry is • Rats • Poetry is standing on the unimaginable • Poetry is warbling & plumage weight, face painting, picture, unimaginable, rage, storm, mirage, & cetera & cetera • Poetry is ... •
Jean-Pierre Bobillot, Poetry is , [ unresolved issues], unpublished text

Smoking cessation began. NICOTINE
= hard drugs!
So I run. Sometimes twice a day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where Do You Get Free Credits On Poptropica

Bob looks in the sand, an adverb.
An adverb is lying.
Chris, the New Yorker, has disappeared.
In Mesopotamia.
A gem of a latex covered his navel.
Bob seeks green grass.
Grass ether.
On a piece of cigarette, Bob turns a dream.
Melancholic, he closes the door of the Bentley.

A black to white.
hitch, said the piano. Monk said.
Bob washes his hands with a glove of horsehair, the smell of violets.
Bob down the glasses.
Bob down the streets of Harlem.
In the Blue Note jazz rarefied.
Little America.
Chris spent his last night in Libido.
In extenso, he ponders his steps against the walls of the city muffled.
megalopolis, the lines of the Chris cupped hands, buried.
wail, fix, recover. Traces of Freud.
Cries of Chris, Bob's dreams.

Under the Sand, he seeks an adverb.
Bob the liar.
-Gun Battle.
Under the gibes of neon, Bob beats the pavement.
rain sizzles. Mechanical segment.
From bottom above.
Chris as a tattoo.
Storm fetal injections.
Bob makes love poems.
Chris is the dead.
Wicked song.
Under the land of Mesopotamia, are two twin towers.

Bob teeth turn blue.
Under the Sand, an adverb.
The red boots of Chris.
Coltrane plays poker.
Suffering from a saxophone.
From blues.
Suffer broken legs, lips open.
Suffer in inertia.
Happiness was one last fall in the distance.
Hidden Beneath the ashes of Mesopotamia.

One of my favorite songs ...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Promo Kates Playground

In Babylon before zizique!

was before the race, the famous 15km that I wanted to finish the last 7 months that I put at the CAPE (Running). Very very average time (1:30) but considering my long history (cigarettes, alcohol) and my advanced age, I'm proud of myself.
A good workout plan, stopping the fags make me seriously consider a semi early 2010 and why not a marathon in a year. Let's be crazy!
In all cases, no hope is never lost. Last year at the same time, body and spirit ravaged by a fucking addiction, I was unable to 500m while running ...

In 2010, more writing, more sports, be serious: REMAIN ALIVE!

Atousa those behind bars ...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stretchy Mucous Prior To Menstruation

Above the volcano

Some things that I had to tell you, you read. Come, your nostrils n'éparpillez more and come up to me.
Out of the darkroom, I work.
I'd handsome or beautiful. That is my desire for this new fall.
Making use of this maxim to make my final:

"Do not try to become a man who is successful. Try to become a man of value. "

A. Einstein

Come tomorrow I run. My first km race. Not for fame or recognition.
But for the knowledge and recognition of myself.
A Malcolm L.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Irs Certified Letter Audit


few readings of the moment ...

Back after some problems due to a faulty connection. I run a lot, read a bit but do not write so much.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Many Seconds Does A Toilet Take To Flush

CLPU back against the doctrinaire on the web!

After a period of absence, the new version is against the doctrinaire Online, Blog mode this time, what sticks most with the name of information resource. You will find

a wealth of information on the dangers of our hyper-technological world and the excesses of a hyper media and society more secure.

But as subjects for reflection for going into more depth on issues that concerns our time. Develop its reflection, discernment and intuition why not

The technical part is when she will give you all sorts of tricks to your day, showing that the system D and elbow grease can many things. You will also find alternative ways of life, far from Babylon and its consumer world.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

When Did I Conceive Based On Ultrasound

Who am I? My approach

cccccc cccccc
On Media Gaillac, with Florian Demonsant
Welcome everyone!

The world of storytelling has long been open to me. I started to tell as part of my job as a teacher and then with each of my five children and at the same time in the library. Very soon I felt the need for training to enhance my practice and I regularly confront other storytellers: Agnes Chavanon Michel Hindenoch, Pepito Mateo, Gigi Bigot, Jean-Michel Hernandez, Amid Beriouani, Marie-France Payraud, Frédéric Naud, Marco Bénard Rabiou Mahamane, Djafer Chibani, Gisele Bastié. I have also enriched their respective training for a sensory experience, and personal right: the dancers Chantal Tichané (African dance), Pascal Moret (African dance and improvised dance), Anna Pietsch (movement, improvised dance and voice), actors: Dominique Bonnema, Régis Maynard, choir directors: Jean Canivenc (choir Carmaux), Pierre Gavignaud (Chorus county), Marie-Paule Frézouls (La Treille), Odile Amossé (Arioso) and singers Galina Biryukov, Catherine and Marie Leplatenier Géligné, diatonic accordionists who have sent in their own way too orality, ears attentive and demanding Remi my husband and my son, and all these faces, living or dead, present at my side.
All subsequent meetings, during these many years, led to a passion and a now need to tell true art of living. Have ceased to exercise my profession to raise my children, I do not want to turn professional in order to keep my freedom and my enthusiasm. Member
turn three associations: "Red Curtain", "In Hunger tales," Tales, Wind and Tides, "I created in September 2008," A Flower Fairy "with which I now tell alone with my flute and my accordion and occasionally accompanied by a musician, singer, dancer, artisan, another storyteller.
I continue meetings today bimonthly with Gisele Bastie, actress, director and storyteller. This feeds my buddy thinking about this "art de vivre ...
ccccccc ccc

How To Generator Rain


When" Biocybèle "2009, Parc de Foucaud Gaillac


My specific project is tailored to each event and each partner. Each meeting allows me to rethink the choice of stories, their themes, their implementation situation, their meaning, their assembly, their "contagion" in connection with the project partner as each encounter is unique and the transmission of tales is given in a "fabric" alive. The show thus proposed is never the same and brings me to stay honest and true to my conception of the story: "awakening", "root", "link" and "give to dream."


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Why storytelling? My proposals

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At the Museum of Country Vaurs during the summer exhibition 2009: "Loved wind. Thunder and Storm

crazy tales, stories
wise tales of fear, fairy tales
dream of the earth, fantastic tales of flesh
tales, tales of heart

For all, for each
To connect us to root ourselves
To soothe, to arouse
To preserve this "oral heritage" of humanity
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Nordictrack 2000i Treadmill

adult stories or adapted for family audiences (constantly changing)

ccccccccccccccc At the 2nd "Night of Storytelling" in Gaillac, with Menad Moussaoui
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- Tales of the origins : "On the first morning of the world ..." with possibly Cathy Tardieu, Cristal Baschet (the mother of stories, The First Men (three versions), The invisible hiding, Children of the Earth, How the man came to the woman?, The first love of the world, women bear and its moons, Why woman gives birth she?, The finger of the angel, How humans conquered the fire, How the sun never married?, Why Is death invisible?, The moon and the dead, Mother Misery The proliferation of languages, Raven and light, Noah and the vine, The nightingale in May, Pandora's Box, Why should we not beat children? ...)

- Tales of Wisdom worldwide: "Resonances" with possibly Thierry Cazals, flutes (The finger of the angel the way of life, hiding the invisible painter and mice, the painter and the boat to the Grape The cracked pot, the mother, the board, the acorn and the pumpkin, the two passengers and the plane tree, The wood strips, the poor and the rich, The Gardener's shirt, the two branches, The Lion and the Rat, The sandal seed, the six blind men and the elephant, which is the strongest?, The Miser, The fisherman and the boat, Lady Poverty, Death, The moon and the dead, Bamboo, boats and trees , footprint, The candle, the lover true, the two monks, the devoutly religious, rich and poor, Gates of Paradise, The Harp, The history of all histories ...)
- Tales of the power of words: "Words gall, honey words" (Prinse Daniel, words of honey, The Girl without Hands, The Secret of King Midas, The child had no name, The man selling words, the multiplication of languages, for grapes, Why is the sea salty?, The Emperor's New Clothes, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, ...)

- Tales of women "Three Secrets" with possibly Catherine Eplatennier The singing (the mother of stories, The dry leaves, garden-Woman, White Crane, Nukari, The Marabout and the secret of women , The trunk, The Golden Rose, A restless grave, Woman-bream, Willow Kyoto Three whiskers, the cunning old ...)

- Tales of love: "Ah! if love was rooted! "With possibly Sylviane Blanquart, singing and street organ (The first love of the world, Ti-Ti-Head and Body, The night of the four time, the true lover, the beautiful and lemon, A grave without rest, eat the heart, the beloved Faceless, The Blue Rose, Nukari, the weaver and the cowherd's wife, garden, Trunk, ...)

- Tales stroke heart: "Weaver life ..." with possibly Florian Demonsant, accordion (The finger of the angel the greatest gift, The path of life, the six blind men and the elephant, L The man who had no chance, the two branches, The Desert, The board, Nasrredin 'and his son, music, fig, coverage of Joseph, the true lover, the chest, the old man moon, The Candle, footprint, Plate, The Sea, The grain of rice, the harp, the shade of the cherry tree, The wise, the lover true, ..., poems and songs)

- Tales of the painter and his work "Palette tales" (The Painter and the mouse, the blue dragon and the yellow dragon, the painter and the boat's best painters, the shape of the snow, The heron yellow Painter Tuo-Lan, The path of life ...)

- Tales of music: "Let the music begin ..." with possibly Cathy Tardieu, Cristal Baschet (The music, Ears of King Midas, The song sparrow, the fiddler Ti-Jean, The heron yellow, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, The violin playing cards and bag, the first violin's hair fairy Bone magic The magic harp, the flute of the shepherd, the peasant flute and the snake, The Cuckoo, The Tin Drum, The beautiful dancer ... and traditional songs and dance tunes)

- with Contes a dancer: "Dance Your Life! " (The birth of music, The heron yellow ...)

- Nature Tales: " My Tree ... " with possibly Demonsant Pascal, clarinets (Cherry wonderful Willow Kyoto, The shade of the cherry tree, the two branches, the fig tree, the two entwined beech, pear Mother Misery, Hummingbird and the tree, bamboo, master of lime, three short stories of wisdom ...)

- Tales of storm and tempest "Here comes the storm ... "

- Tales of the Vine and Wine: " Sing Vine ... " with possibly Alain Bardou, accordion (How the vine came into the world?, The Devil and the Monk, The Devil and gorse, Palm wine, the wine ban, The nightingale in May, To Grape, The Devil and the Farmer, The Grapes of Christmas, The winemaker's daughter, the new wine, The two guinea fowls of the priest, the vineyard of God; traditional songs, ...)

- Tales of the Rose: "If Rose could talk ..." (The Golden Rose, the beautiful pink , The Blue Rose, The Man in the Garden, The Christmas rose, The gardener's shirt, the red rose, Rose of Burnet; poem: "I never thought of Rose" (Victor Hugo) and traditional songs ...)

- Bird Tales: "Tales takes wing" with possibly Thierry Cazals, flutes (The hoopoe, The Woodpecker, The Nightingale, The whooping crane, the bird of the storm, the hummingbird, heron Yellow, The nightingale in May, A restless grave, the two mandarin ducks and the Samurai, The Bee and King Solomon , The insect and snail dish butterflies, butterfly's dream, ...)

- Tales bright and dark Occitan: "The night of the four time" with possibly Alain Bardou, accordion (Night of the four-stroke, Lady Poverty (two versions), The Man with red teeth, The Devil deceived, Our hearts eaten, The Cure and the ass, the goose Christmas, Jean le Sot, The Nightingale and the vineyard, Noah and the vine, both ritous, guinea Both the priest, the peasant's cow and the priest's white hands, The Girl without Hands, The Baker, The traveler and the three robbers, Pègue Pégaude, the two robbers and the woman, The nightingale in May, the twelve months, the ear of wheat, King soulless Time Forgot, The three sins of the hermit, King ravens, Penance, The Devil's Bridge, The Donkey Egg, The scientist and the ferryman, The lentillette ...)

- Yiddish Stories: "Crazy Wisdom" with possibly Florian Demonsant, accordion (The messenger, the angel's finger, turkey, King and Schnorr, The shape of snow, Paradise, De Chelm to Warsaw, the fig tree, coverage of Joseph, More beautiful gifts, Hershel, King Solomon and the Bee, The Harvest, The wise son ...)
- Gypsy Tales: "Tales of son of the wind" with possibly Pascal Demonsant, clarinet or Galina Biryukov, songs

- Tales of Sufi masters from Persia, Turkey and the Arab world: "Wisdom of the East" with possibly Bijan Etemad-Moghadam Iranian percussion (daf, Tombak)
- Tales Kabyle in two voices: "The seeds of pain" with possibly Djafer Chibani storyteller Kabyle

- Tales through the night: Tales of 1001 Nights "with possibly Menad Moussaoui, mandola, percussion and vocals

- Russian Tales: Tales wonderful secrets or balalaika ..." with Alexey Biryukov possibly (balalaika) and / or Galina Biryukov (vocals), (Plate, illusion, truth and falsehood, Prince Daniel-words of honey, lying, Norka The Beast, The magic flute, the garrulous old woman and the treasure, the two wives, Vasilisa, the Beautiful, The Lord of the birch, ...)

- Asian Tales and haiku: "Tales from the Bamboo" (Idzanagi and Idzanami, the weaver and the cowherd, Willow Kyoto, The painter and mice, the painter Tuo Lan, Pearl Wind, The Way of Life, Death, White Crane, the two monks and the young girl, The shade of the cherry, The tailor, The Mirror, The Fountain of Youth, bamboo, cucumber seeds, My soul into the bodies of others, Conversation, The dream of the butterfly, the soul of butterflies, The memory of the nightingale, the blue dragon and the yellow dragon, and the painter the boat Heron yellow, why is it the tiger stripes?, Why is it the cuckoo "Kakko"? The woman in a green jacket, the two mandarin ducks and samurai ...)
- Tales of Asian wisdom: "Just change your look" with possibly Thierry Cazals, flutes
- Tales of travel, pursuit of happiness: "The road is long ..."

- Winter Tales, meeting, celebration and sharing: "Tales of the Christmas Season" (The finger of the angel, Joseph coverage, grain rice, The invisible hiding place, the favorite child, Hell and Paradise, The Hummingbird, The greatest gift, the devout daughter of the snow The dream of the night of Christmas, The Christmas goose, The Grapes, Christmas Candles, ...)

- Tales of the Middle Ages: "Fabliaux Middle Ages" with possibly baroque flute accompaniment (The Adventures of Reynard , the child resuscitated, depended Hangman (two legends of St. Jacques), The will of the donkey, The Partridge, The monk and the farmer cow Both ritous, the innkeeper and the three blind pilgrim, the old cunning, Penance, the scholar and the miller, the deaf child who squandered his property, The devil tricked, The Devil's Bridge, the foolish responses Goose Christmas Songs: The Cattle, The hand of God, If I drink claret, Margot plow vines, O Beautiful at the fountain, spinning wool, Beau Knight, Lament Rutebeuf ...)
- Tales of life and death: " The man who would not die " (Confucius and death, Death Invisible, The moon and the dead, Pandora, the two branches, Lady Poverty, A restless grave, the man who would not die, the man with red teeth, Plate , Paradise, My soul into the bodies of others, Voices of the Sands, The Fountain of Youth, Lost Time, The Tin Drum, ...)

- Fantastic Tales : "Did you say strange? " with possibly Cathy Tardieu, Cristal Baschet (The night of the four time, The man with red teeth, Heart eaten, The Golden Rose, the two beech trees entwined, Daniel Prince - words of honey, Plate The woman - Garden, A restless grave, My soul into the body of another, the painter and mice, the painter and the boat, Ti-Ti-Head and Body, Nukari, turkey, The Messenger, The true lover, De Chelm to Warsaw, The King and Schnorr, loved The Faceless, The woman with the green jacket, Illusion, The two beech, ...)
- thoughts, experiences and exchanges tales: "He was once the tale ..."

stories and planned with you ...


- At home, in the dining room, living room, near the fireplace in the garden on the terrace or in the barn ...

- In the forest, the vine, a rose garden, near a fountain, a laundry, a mill, a chapel or Castle on the roadside or along the river ...
- At the museum, school, college, library, recreation center, the DOJ, the hospital, a nursing home ...
- In a bookstore, a bakery or a trailer ...
- Around the Christmas Tree ...
- In evening, stroll or show ...
- In a festival, a festival market, during a meal or on the radio ...

ccccccccccccccccccccccccc In the Park Museum Cayla at Andillac


- Only with my flute and my accordion, or accompanied by the theme of storytelling.

ccccccccccccccccccccc When "Biocybèle" 2009


To who?
- Children (From 3 years), adolescents, adults or people of all ages.


What choice of stories?
- fables, legends, stories, mythology, cosmogony, etiologic, wonderful, philosophical, witty ...
- Tales of all countries, but also Occitanie ... a selective and sown with respect and pleasure.
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Gay Cruising Areas In Orlando Fl?

My Treasures for Children (constantly changing)


in Villeneuve lès Lavaur
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"It happened or it did not happen
But anything can happen!
Although it does not happen ... "

- Tales of origins: " On the first morning of the world " (The tree list, How were the stories?, Indian legend, the sun's path and of the moon, the sky Why is it so far?, The spider and the light, Pandora's Box, The Thief of banana tree fruit and vegetables, Legend of maize, Strawberries, The Creation of Birds, birds Why do they have colors?, Cuckoos (two stories), the hare jumps Why does he?, Why animals have tails?, Why do Dog and Cat they not agree, How the dog became the companion of man?, fir Why is it still green?, Why is the sea salty?, Why boar dig with his snout?, Why turtle has a shell grid?, The finger of the angel, Why is it the tiger stripes?, why should we not beat children?, Children of the Earth, How Mahoki 3rd conquered the fire? , Why Is death invisible?, why the leaves of oaks do they not fall?, Why boar dig there with its snout?, wren Why is it his name, How are the seeds they appeared on earth?, The Thief of bananas, singing legend the rooster, ...)
- Tales from the sun, moon and stars: " In the moonlight " (,... and lullabies)
- Cross Night events: "Tales grow "
- As Time Goes By: "Animals who sought summer" (At the very beginning of time, the finger of the angel tree - Memorial , Coverage of Joseph, The golden vase, The Fountain of Youth, The twelve months, the wolf and the reaper, the secret pond, and the time Nasreddin Khoja and the seed The dragon of the rain, The Man that would not die, The shade of the cherry, The nightingale in May, Pike bee and the ant, the snail and insect Taupinette The Wedding, The Tale of the stories in the world, Plate , footprint ...)
- The weather: "Heaven laughing, crying sky "
- Fairies, princesses, kings, dwarves and elves: "Wonders of tales" (The Fairy Beetle, Shoemakers elves, dwarves and The Hunchback, and the Goblin Boubaïc the home, the little red man, ...)
- Fears, ogres, giants, devils and witches "Do not bite me! "
- Dragons, guardians of the Other World:" In the land of dragons
- Grimm, Perrault and Andersen: Tales classic "
- Musicians, music and songs: " Let the music begin! " (Drum, The first violin, the fairy's hair ...)
- Tales with a dancer: " Dance Your Life! "
- Solidarity: " The Good stories make good friends "
- Tales nonsensical: Tales for Laughs
- Tricks, puzzles and riddles: " Who knocks at my door? "
- Respect for Nature: Tales for my Earth (The tree list, the spider and the sun, Legend of maize, the queen bee, the bee Legend, The nightingale in May, the shirt of a happy man, the peasant and the snake, beetle golden Souricette looking for a husband, Hummingbird, The acorn and the pumpkin, the two passengers and the plane, the snail and insect , tree fruit and vegetables, Ladybugs, Why is the sky so far away?, Legend of the cuckoo, the swallow injured Tezen Freshwater Fish, Why is the tree still green?, Bee and King Solomon, and Toad kite, rat and lion M'Bolo and the seed rain Dragon, Legend of the stars, The memory of the Nightingale, The Wolf and the reaper, Half-Chicken, The Fisherman and His Wife, The Language of Birds, Light and crow, heron yellow, Song of the sparrow, the crocodile hunter and the hare, Pike ants and bees, the gourd of the spider legend of the colors of birds, and Diogenes lenses, Your choice will be mine, butterflies, strawberries in winter, the twelve months, the little ant, ...)
- Tales of trees "My Tree" (The tree memory, why do the trees they not rise up to heaven?, tree fruit and vegetables, Imps and fir, the belly of the baobab tree, the leaves of oaks Why do not they fall?, M'Bolo and seed, The farmer and the snake, the golden vase, The Pear Lady of Misery, The Master of linden, fir Why is he always green?, Willow Kyoto, The Acorn and the Pumpkin, The shade of the cherry ...)
- Stories on the move: "Let's walk in the woods ... "
- Flowers and insects, fruits and vegetables and insects," I fell in my garden ... " (The tree fruit and vegetables, Momotaro was born of a peach, ...)
- Bread, cereals and cakes: "The taste of bread"
- If you passed to table? : Tales greedy "
- For each color, a story: " Tales of all colors " (Little Red Man, Little Red Riding Hood, ...)
- Lakes, rivers and seas: Tales over water "
- Animals: "In the days when animals spoke ..."
- The inhabitants of heaven: Tales of wings and feathers " (The tree list and birds, Bird Key, How Bird came to colors?, The Raven and the light?, The spider and the sun, how the bee came to the world?, Why do mosquitoes "bzzz ...?, Toad and the kite, The Eagle and the Wren, The cuckoo and the mole carp, Song of the Sparrow, J. and fly, Hummingbird, Trail of the fly, The king of the crows, the black cockerel, Trail of the cock and hen, Half-Chicken , The Merchant of wings, the bird of the storm, Heron Yellow Bee and the drop of honey, the queen bee, The nightingale in May, the fairy Beetle, The Hoopoe, Bee and King Solomon, The insect and snail, beetle, The wounded swallow, The Language of Birds, The Woodpecker, The memory of the nightingale, the cuckoo is Why "Kakko" the land of the rising sun? ... and songs)
- Wolf and Wolves: "Wolf, are you? " (Half-Chicken, the wife of the gray wolf, ...)
- Winter: Tales muffled" (The first snow, race, fir Why is it still green?, The hut hut of wood and ice, Father Frost, The Hunchback and the Seven Dwarfs, Lady Winter, The sun and cold wind, The muffle , turnip, coal, Nanook the polar bear, the little ant, Marouchka and twelve months, the snow girl, Little Red Man, ...)
- Winter meeting, sharing and Christmas Tales of Christmas time " (First Snow, Little Christmas, The Christmas Child, The Shoemakers Elves, Santa's Cunning, Running, The Christmas Fox, fir Why is it still green?, Three Cats, The wooden hut and ice hut, The Little Christmas hedgehog, Father Frost, The Hunchback and the Seven Dwarfs, Lady Winter, The sun and cold wind, The muffle Krakonoche and merchant of fabrics, the dog who was looking for a friend , turnip, coal, Little Blue Bear, the Christmas goose, Nanook the polar bear, the outcry of Christmas, The little ant Marouchka and twelve months, the snow girl, Babushka, The greatest gift , The Candle, The hiding invisible grain of rice, tongue twisters, songs, poems and riddles, ...)
- Legends, tales, fables, songs and dances of the Middle Ages: "If the Middle Ages' m was told ... "
- " Jean le Sot, John Bear ... and other tales of Occitan "
- Departures and Travel: " Bon Voyage! "
- One country, one story: " Tales around the world "
- Russian Tales: " On an air of balalaika " with possibly Alexey Biryukov (balalaika) and / or Galina Biryukov (vocals) (Legend of Baba-Yaga, House cottage, the stubborn little cat, rooster and chicken, ice hut Vixen and Siba timber wolf, Turnip, and Ivachko Babayaga, the old heaven, Light crumb, The Sun cold and wind, The Lord of the birch, the talkative woman and the treasury, the board, the truth and falsehood, Sniegourotchka, Marouchka and the twelve months Emélia and pike, Father Frost, Finist - Clear - Falcon, the bird Fire, The Princess - Frog, Vasilisa - la - Belle Katcheï Immortal, The just and unjust, ...)
- Yiddish Stories: "Crazy wisdom" with possibly Florian Demonsant, accordion (The finger of the angel, turkey, figs, Chelm to Warsaw, Paradise, The Miser, The greatest gift, coverage of Joseph, ...)
- Gypsy Tales: "Tales sun "with possibly Demonsant Pascal, clarinet (The creation of the world, the mother of the sun, the first Gypsy, The three golden hair of King Sun, The First Violin, The Rose and the poor musician, The Language of Animals, The Gypsy and the red snake, ...)
- Tales Spain: "The Three Oranges ... and other tales of Spain" (Three Oranges, The ring that said "here," The lavender plant, Xavier-toad skin, the egg donkey, ...)
- Myths, fables and tales of Greece: "In the land of gods and men" , possibly with Demonsant Pascal (clarinet) and Nicolas Chevalier (vocals, bouzouki and baglama) (Aesop's Fables, Ulysses and the Sirens, The secret of King Midas, Baucis and Philemon, The flower of the sun, The mule Athens, The Peacock and the small gold coin, Letiko daughter of the sun, and Mamisucre Papisel ...)
- Tales wonderful Middle d'Orient: "The 1001 Nights" with possibly Bijan , oriental percussion (History of Sindbad the Sailor, Story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, ...)
- Tales of Africa: "Mariama Diabou N'Dao ... and other tales from Africa "with possibly Florent N'Diaye, guitar and percussion (Why is the sky so far away?, Three son, Why the turtle shell has a checkered?, The hunter and the blind, Why search boar with his snout?, field geniuses, the hare jumps Why?, Diabou N'Dao, Why the sun chasing the moon?, Mariama and the man without a scar, and M'Bolo seed, hunter the hare and the crocodile The field geniuses, Toad and the kite, the belly of the baobab, the three hairs, The Voyage of the papaya ...)
- Tales of Asia: "Momotaro ... And Other Tales from Asia" (Momotaro, Little Sister Li, Heron Yellow Dragon of the rain, The wounded swallow, Song of the sparrow, The Old Man Moon, J. queries a rock, dog and cat, The cask, the weaver and the cowherd, The shade of the cherry tree ... and, below, tales of Korea)
- Tales of Korea " boasting and other tales of Korea " (Brother and sister became the sun and moon, mosquitoes Origin, Origin of Ginseng, the curious fans, Golden Axe and hatchet iron, grain, rice and Blue Dragon Dragon yellow, The swallow hurt, the dog and the cat pearl, the seeds of cucumber, Why are red ass monkey?, The Judgement of the hare, the hare and trionyx, The hare and the tiger fool bragging deer the hare and the toad ...)
- Poetry and Dream: "The Selfish Giant ... and other poetic tales "
- Tales of childhood and toys:" Toys Secrets " (Vasilisa and the magic doll, Pinocchio, The greatest gift, Little Blue Bear, The Little Soldier Lead, ...)
- Discovery of the story: short or long / by or wherever / mythological wonderful, etiological, facetious, philosophical, hiking or riddle / gods, men, animals or fantastic creatures: "The tale in all its forms"
- Tales kick-heart: " treasure tales "... and

tales project with you, with or without a musician.

"So go the stories,
Wearing heaven on earth And
head in hand! "
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