The work honored in Argentina The stamp celebrated
lentRogelio Yrurtia (1879-1950) was one of the greatest sculptors Argentinians, but in 1899 and because of his talent and will win a scholarship to study and practice art in Italy and Paris.
Among his greatest works alive: "Song to Work", located on Avenida Colon in Buenos Aires PSEO. Fully achieved bronze, it consists of 14 figures grouped.
The monument is an allegory of work effort, support for women and the common struggle for freedom and for a better future (shown by children with outstretched arms in front of the group).
To honor the Argentine workers and their labor, the postal administration of Argentina issued October 16, 2010 Stamp 1.50 S here on this nice letter sent on 20/12/2010 by Viviana (Please ) a port town of Avellaneda in the province of Buenos Aires:
Stamp (2 copies) shows the monument to Work Song "and a historical statement cited by Eva Peron (who does not TElement she has traveled the world during his lifetime and after his death as well): Are Donde nace una necesidad a derecho "(Work is a need and right).
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